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Punaweb Member Rescued....
Happy Birthday Mark
What a story, Sophie and are join in the rejoicing of your rescue.

So much for goofing off from building, eh? LOL

David & Sophie

Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
Glad to hear another potentially fatal accident avoided with Mark at home safe.

Sounds like the rescue team responded quite quickly do you think with all of our recent growth the number of these type of accidents will increase? Which brings me back to the point that a water safety hub ( to service Po'ohiki - Kalapana area) is much needed for cases like this where time can make the difference.

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
I just read the story in the paper this morning and glad to know you're OK. I haven't been reading much on the web lately so I was unaware what had happened and very surprised to see the stoy. Glad things turned out the way they did. You must own a special pair of slipper.


What goes around comes around!

Royal Good to hear from you. Thanks for thinking of us.

Shane thanks and agreed on the Water Safety Hub for our area.


Edited by - wyatt on 09/28/2007 08:08:56
"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
I'm soooo glad things turned out okay and quick thinking and group effort helped collectively.....

Thinking of both you guys, happy birthday and weekend.


Whew awesome story and an even better ending! So glad to hear everything worked out!

Now thats how I like to see our county helicopter used.

Hope its the BEST day EVER... Smile

Maholo, Noel and BIG_Island
We were told today by a local spiritual minister. "Weather you believe in this or not please do it anyway." She then said take one of my hand woven baskets from this box, go home prepare an offering to Madam Pele. Do Asap. In the basket place Green Ti leaf something Red as Pele likes red, Gin for the same reason, food if you like a stone wrapped if you like and place it where this happened.
The minister said a some more very profound words to us. So much so that we went directly back to the fishing spot today. While there Mark (being the doubting Thomas that he is) Had to try his cell phone to see if there was a signal. No signal to be found. Needless to say he doubts less now.

Believe in something. Anything

"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
I learned how very special even virtual friendships can be this day and would like to say how thankful I am to read that Mark is safe at home after such a near fatal incident. Happiest of Birthdays Marks and many many more Happy Returns!

Aloha HADave

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Richard and Mark, Ed and I look forward to meeting you guys. We'll be there soon... a few months or so. This story is so impressive. The guy that had his head and resources together, Duane, should be given an award, as should the rescue folks.

I want to go fishing with you guys now that you know how do it smart! Duane has to go along, by the way....

Thank you for sharing this experience. And thank you Duane for saving a very nice person. And thanks Pele for Duane.

Edited by - rbonplaza on 09/28/2007 17:41:01

Edited by - rbonplaza on 09/28/2007 17:42:09

Edited by - rbonplaza on 09/28/2007 17:43:43
Thanks Robguz for the phone message.
Thanks Tommy C for emailing the news paper article PDF file.
Thanks Hadave, virtual or not we are all family here.
Look foward to meeting you Ed and Thanks.

Link to Article if anyone interested.


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen

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