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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
Fern Forest and Eden Roc do share a common boundry! There wouldn't be an undeveloped strip between Fern Forest and Eden Roc area nor an area for a corridor between Eden Roc makai to Fern Acres as the area between Eden Roc to Fern Acres is Kopua Farmlots where the 20 acre lots are under developement.

Does anyone know where the Nelson corridor actually is? Who should one ask? Would the FAA locally have any idea?

Meeting is Oct 14 at 2PM Mountain View Gym. Wish I could be there, but best wish to those who can attend.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
no, we don't own the airspace over our houses. Nor the minerals under our houses. Nor do water rights go without saying.

But although there is no right to air, light or view under common law, there is a certain right to quiet and peaceful enjoyment of one's property ... from :"nuisances."

A public nuisance affects numeous citizens and the government is responsible for abating it. A private nuisance affects your property in particular and the remedy is a civil suit.

There are certain things we might consider nuisances that society decrees we have to put up with ... for the greater good. I think that overflights fall into a gray area where with enough objection people could possibly get some protection from the noise and vibration. Especially if it affects people's health ... (and I believe it does).

The tours are just private enterprise and not really a public service and shouldn't outbalance (IMHO) our rights to enjoy our property -- not like the interisland airlines and emergency services. And let us not forget DEA enforcement without which the entire moral fibre of our society would crumble. <sarcasm>

Thanks again to everyone for your valuable input.

Kathy,I still have a question about the airspace ownership.I remember reading a real estate book that was written for a real estate class,this was about 12years ago.Anyway,I thought there was a section that private property owners own from below the ground to the core,minus the mineral and other such rights.And that we owned up into space into infinity except for "necesary" flights.I also read recently that the government owns the airspace.So,it is just interetsing to see this angle of this topice of overflights.Certainly the right to enjoy our homes is a constitiutional right.It is important to discuss every angle we can think of relevant to this issue.

Edited by - Thunderfoot on 10/08/2007 09:31:35

Edited by - Thunderfoot on 10/08/2007 09:32:26
Just to add the private property issue.I am really unhappy about the fact that they video tape and sale it to their customers.It is an invasion no matter how you chop it up.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
Wow,that is a lot of info.
Thanks, Bob.

There is alot to think about.

Keep those inputs coming.................

Bob,do you have specific cases I can print out? or direct me how to find this stuff?

Has anyone found out anything about the Nelson corridor?

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
Not yet,still working on it.Please research too if you can,Thanks

Thanks again Bob,I will look into it.

A link to where we can add our two cents
would be welcome. We slowed or stopped the green harvest... by the time we build in the next few years i would like to have this under control
Hawaiian acres quiet


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