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New Pahoa Clinic Fund Raising

I hope you'll do this again and give us more notice. We would gladly have donated our recyclables for this worthy cause. We saw the tent being put up, without a clue as to its purpose, but imagined you were doing a fund-raiser.


For those of you who did not make it Malama Marketplace on Saturday and wish to make a financial donation you have the following choices.

1. Make your check out to Puna Community Medical Center and mail it to Treasurer, Puna Community Medical Center,12-4592 Kalapana Road, Pahoa, 96778

2. Go to the CU Hawaii branch at the Malma Marketplace, and make a deposit. The tellers will take your name and phone number so we can contact you.

3. If you have a PayPal account, you can send your donation to

All donations are tax deductible.

We are in the throws of raising $200,000 dollars to open the clinic. Keep in mind this effort is by and for Puna residence. Your support is urgently needed.

Mahalo for your support.

I wonder if you could set up something in stores (Hilo & Puna) where you can add $1 to your purchase for the cause?

We are working on several stratgies and one of them includes your idea. Mahalo for your input.


Is the clinic being set up as a non profit with grants, e.g from the Federal Government or privately funded?

We are a Hawaii non-profit corporation. We have filed for a 501c(3)status with the Feds and expect to have it the next few weeks.


I have worked as a Dental Director in a non profit in CA and would be glad to donate time to help plan dental services if this is ever required in future. The clinic I worked in was set up in the 70s by "back to the landers" originally by private funds but became federally funded later due to running costs. Having private funding alone does allow more autonomy though.
I hope this is able to work out for Puna, as there is certainly need for services there.


Long-term we expect to have a comprehensive medical center in Puna that will include, among other services, dental services. Stay tuned

Richard Bidleman
Treasurer, Puna Community Medical Center

I want to personally thank everyone for their interest and enthusiasm! The Puna Community Medical Center's bank balance grew by nearly $600; from cash contributions (which we did not expect) and from as yet cashed-in bottles and cans. This goes right to the heart of why we are doing this in grass-roots fashion; Community Ownership of PCMC is a stated goal just as much as money is.

Our grants will be to private foundations, our solicitations will be to businesses, organizations and individuals. We will not seek government financial support to the degree that we can keep it that way.

Someone suggested a giant YARD-Sale. I think that's a great idea though I shrink from the idea of organizing it Smile

We are at the beginning of all this fund raising in a way, and the ideas offered here are wonderful. We are always open to ideas (and even more so on suggestions on how to make these thing happen).

When we get this facility open, it will be one of a bunch of first steps in establishing the MUCH larger, more comprehensive health facility that we need.

We start here, we walk the walk, and then we get there!
Richard has posted an address. I am willing to speak with anyone who indicates their willingness to possibly give bigger chunks of money; I'll spell out all the details as needed. Just call.
Thanks again to everyone.

If there is a person in charge of the fund raising for the clinic here is another idea, go to the Cruise lines and offer to take their recyclables off their hands, and recycle them for the cash, it might help keep some the float-sum out of the ocean.

Not to hijack this thread but this following article and wikipedia explanation lead me to this thought of more recyclables. I had no idea what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was, also called the Pacific Trash Vortex. There are some impressive maps on wikipedia and an article about it here. search Morford, article
10-26 "Behold the GPGP if you're brave enough"

Just background info to help people consider the immanent need to recycle. Mahalo

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
For those of you who did not make it Malama Marketplace on Saturday and wish to make a financial donation you have the following choices.....

3. If you have a PayPal account, you can send your donation to

All donations are tax deductible...

I like that pay pal idea so I sent it to the email address! Done in 30 seconds! No waiting in line or going to the mailbox!

Catherine Dumond
Blue Water Project Management
808 217-7578
"We help make building your dream home a reality"
If there is a person in charge of the fund raising for the clinic here is another idea, go to the Cruise lines and offer to take their recyclables off their hands, and recycle them for the cash, it might help keep some the float-sum out of the ocean.

Not to hijack this thread but this following article and wikipedia explanation lead me to this thought of more recyclables. I had no idea what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch was, also called the Pacific Trash Vortex. There are some impressive maps on wikipedia and an article about it here. search Morford, article
10-26 "Behold the GPGP if you're brave enough"

Just background info to help people consider the immanent need to recycle. Mahalo

mella l

Earlier I posted how you can make donations via PayPal to the Puna Community Medical Center. I made a mistake on who to send it to. It should be


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