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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
My name is Darl Evans and I am the Chief Pilot for Blue Hawaiian Helicopters. I have been with Blue Hawaiian on the Big Island since we opened in Hilo back longer than I care to remember. Over the years I have been involved with our operations not only here at home but also on Maui and now Kauai. Having established our main base of operations on Maui we began operations on the Big Island with one aircraft here in Hilo and have grown to be the largest helicopter operator in the state of Hawaii. We have, and continue to face many challenges. I can tell you, without reservation, that our company works diligently to minimize our operational impact on the communities in which we all live and work. This is a formidable task in which we devote considerable time and resources. I have, over the years, seen many changes in our operations areas. It has been my observation that as we change operations to address areas of concern, we inevitably create new ones. This would seem to be at the root of the current situation. We have recently changed our procedures as the areas that were working well in the past have now become populated. It would seem that we have some more work to do. The first step is to have good communications with those involved.

We have had many similar issues and have been successful in resolving the vast majority of them. Our program on Maui continues to be a benchmark for the industry. We would like to achieve the same level of success here on the Big Island. This cannot be accomplished without active participation and effective communication from all concerned. We would welcome the opportunity to begin this process.


Thank you for posting; I, personally, appreciate the opportunity to have a two-way exchange with someone in the industry.

I have one nagging question, to begin with, that you may be able to help me on; If the tour helicopters were to fly along the coast, say 1/2 mile off shore on their way to the volcano, rather than over inhabited areas, what issues are created? Insurance? FAA regulations? Quality of the patrons' experience?


Edited by - DanielP on 11/11/2007 10:25:57

When you ask Bob to forgive David's comments, I am amazed! It was your post of 11/4 that was so insulting, telling Bob to get off the thread and then the posts by nightowl afterwards accusing me of being ugly.

If the CAOA cannot have some diplomacy and decorum, then there will be little success in this pursuit. That is my personal belief. These issues require negotiation and communication.

That is why Bob started the "We the People" thread.

Kudos to you Thunderfoot, for getting this thing started, but your passion may be your limiting factor in being an effective negotiator. A more level headed (Less Thunder of Foot)spokesperson may be more useful and effective in realizing success. I would suggest that you do some recruiting for a PR person.

With all Aloha, Dan


Thank you for posting; I, personally, appreciate the opportunity to have a two-way exchange with someone in the industry.

I have one nagging question, to begin with, that you may be able to help me on; If the tour helicopters were to fly along the coast, say 1/2 mile off shore on their way to the volcano, rather than over inhabited areas, what issues are created? Insurance? FAA regulations? Quality of the patrons' experience?


Edited by - DanielP on 11/11/2007 10:25:57

Aloha; I replied to another post regarding offshore operations. You can find that info in the Blue Hawaiian topic at the Forum Homepage.


Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 14:05:08
reply to Daneil,appreciate your support.But I do think you are being too hard on Nightowl and I.First,again,let me repeat from Nightowl's post,that Nightowl is not "speaking for the CAOA".Nightowl has contacted us and we are looking at how she can help.As for my remarks to Bob.Well,Bob deleted his words that I was responding to,so it looks out of context.I do not want to delete any of my posts because I have nothing to hide.I am human with real human emotion.What is a shame is that some people flame the poop out of me for one minor mistake. I am human,and have emotions.I do see how emotions can get in the way.I think I have done very well actually,especially through the part where wjbilllock gets repremanded for hijacking my thread.So,I have one human emotional moment and I get it worse than most for some reason.I have seen a lot of other people in here act way worse and nobody says a thing.???I do think my name hits people wrong sometimes.I can not help it if that is my real name.I do not regret anything that I have said.I think I have been missunderstood,or penalized for expressing myself.That is interesting that people are encouraged to express themselves here in the punaweb,and yet I am condemmed for it.I addressed Bob a while back and we are both over it and moving on.Hope you can too.I wish I could be perfect and never make mistakes,none of us are perfect.So,please do not expect me to be perfect ,and lash at me when I am not. I am willing to work out whatever differences there are.And I am sure that you, Daniel ,have had your moments of emotion.No one is perfect and communication will forever remain an artful dance.So,let us move on.

As for Darl,your input must be pondered and put before the Board of the CAOA.I like Daniel's idea about the industry talking to us about this matter.Also,do I tell the Board you are speaking for Blue Hawaiian,in an official capacity?

And to address the suggestion of heliport in volcano:In the 90's Citizens Against Noise(CAN) stopped helicopres from landing and take offs in volcano.Heard that from the Volcano Community Association at one of their Board meetings.I am still trying to find out more about the CAN.

Edited by - thunderfoot on 11/12/2007 16:42:33
the idea of a heliport in the volcano area would be a good idea if nobody lived there. baring that, it would not fly. the folks up here ran one company out, and I am sure would never let another in. and of course the service the helicopter companies offer is only a service if it is offered to those that might take advantage of it in a way and at a place that is convenient to them. and, it is worth noting that the helicopter companies offer other tours. so regardless of where they take off from they still will be flying all over or around the island. I prefer the stay off shore except in designated corridors that are nowhere near private property idea. fuel costs should not be an issue. to the helicopter company an hour of fuel is an hour of fuel regardless of where they fly. to the tourist there is no (known) difference from one flight path to another. if there is a variable that would effect the cost of fuel it is how much a passenger weighs. not where they get flown to.

I also do not believe this is a issue to be addressed by one helicopter company. if blue hawaiian were to conform to our suggestions to the point of creating completely different and local resident friendly flight paths they may find that their competition has an advantage over them that effects their bottom line. this really needs to be an industry wide issue. I do feel (and hope) that blue hawaiian could be the leader in making these changes. but the industry as a whole has a pretty bad record of self regulation. but hey one can hope!

I have been watching this post for a while now and have decided to sign your petition and support your mission.Right on CAOA.....
And,heys for all you guys on the mainland most pilots are arrogant.If Darl is really willing to dance,then he is a rare animal.For the Most part Pilots are Not Cool.That is why Lots of people are Upset.If they could behave,they would already have done it! They have had plenty of other groups and people and FAA complaints over the Years to know people are Sick of It!!! So,flame me if U Wish,but I say it like Most of us feel here.I am sorry,but Darl is only one pilot in a Sea of Bad ones.And I am not so sure he can fulfill those Tall shoes he just put On.

If you wish to stereotype, let me correct your stereotype. Most pilots are not arrogant, but they do tend to be of the type A, assertive and decisive personalty type range. That is what is needed for a good pilot. The best ones are probably just on the safe side of reckless. That does not equate to bad or arrogant. Different professions require different personalty types. I wouldn't want to fly with the meek and indecisive. This was not a pro overflight post. I'm not a pilot.

Big Islander to be.

Edited by - oink on 11/15/2007 05:00:00
Big Islander to be.
over the past few weeks I have been"lurking" at this thread, and now I want to add my 2 cents.
Without a doubt noise pollution is one that is hard to regulate & control. But is the noise really the issue here? I for one think it's somewhat trivial to rant & rave about Chopper flyovers. For one they really don't last that long, and two I can name several things in our daily lives that put out more noise than a chopper does.
But if you are growing something illegal, I understand being up in arms. If this is the case save yourself the headaches and go see a doctor who will give you a 'Hemp clearance' of sorts. An acquaintance of mine who lives in the Volcano area told me he has painted his federal number on the roof of his home. The DEA has never landed their choppers on his property, nor have they ever seized his plants. Hell, i'd paint the # on my roof too if it meant it would save me unnecessary headaches..

Back in the 70's on Maui I was on the wrong end of the stick. OP Greenharvest one morning came hard & fast. Before even daybreak they had us handcuffed face down in the dirt. Threatning to kill our animals, and of course locking us up and throwing away the key!!! But that's a different story for another time.
So I have no problem going after these jerk offs. But I do have a problem with us bickering over any just any chopper flying.

Like I've said before, I'm blown away by Hawaii's new residents(20 yrs or less) who come here and try to put push their will on other residents. Can't we all just get along?

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
It's not the green harvest lately, those pilots are busy in a desert somewhere. It's the tourist choppers that cross HPP low and fast.

As mentioned there are stealth choppers. Green Harvest had one, seen it heard it, if it wasn't going in circles wouldn't have been a bother. I imagine they cost a whole lot more. But with "proper" equiptment and the right height no one could hear you to complain.

As far as the growers, if you're greedy and have hundreds of plants then reep what you sew.
I haven't heard of anyone with their 7 plants being busted, for medical use. On the contrary a few years ago the lady who had her plants ripped off right in town by some kids, got front page coverage and not only was she not arrested her insurance company paid her $500. per plant for theft loss, 8) my insurance co.too..8)
I think any helicopter flight over any residential area should be restricted to emergency flights only, med., police, fire.

Tourists should bear the all the extra costs their selfcentered fun ride should create. period.


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