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Originally posted by Greg

1. June Jones turned a coal into a diamond.

2. He had a logo successfully redesigned to make millions for the university.

3. In attendance, bowl revenue, and product endorsement, he's benefited UH greatly....

1. Jones hasn't turned coal into a diamond... He has simply burned the coal and is leaving the ashes to be cleaned up. Like Colt Brennan said...."After 3 years here, we finally have soap in the locker rooms". The facilities are still junk.

2. The logo change actually pissed a lot of people off, and still to this day sportscasters are still calling us the "Rainbow" Warriors. I remember Dashevsky calling us the "Rainbow" warriors the Night before the Sugarbowl down in New Orleans.

3. Attendance has actually dropped at the games and paying to watch the Games on TV does bring in revenue, but it sucks for the average joe just wanting to watch the game on TV, w/out having to purchase it.
(Only the last 3 games were even sold out this year...and the sellouts didn't happen until a few days before the game)

PEOPLE need to remember... it takes more then a Coach to win.

If we go undefeated next year, Coach Jones will just be a thing of the past.

Coming home soon!
He did turn a coal into a diamond. The university just did the seemingly impossible by turning it back into a coal.

I didn't like the new logo at first, because I thought it was being changed for homophobic reasons (rainbow coalition).

After I found out why June wanted a new logo (marketability, instant recognition, like the T for texas) I began to understand.

After seeing the thousands (myself included) proudly wear the Hawaii H, i've come around.

I can't believe anyone would deny Jones his success.

The UH administration is to blame for his leaving.

Anyone that has animosity towards him should be glad he's gone. Now he's SMU's problem. (right).
I am not big football fun but it seemed like June Jones was fighting an uphill battle with the politics of UH. Let me see - keep banging your head against a wall or go to Texas with 2 Mil....

I do think he would have stayed if the AD had been fired earlier. Did anyone see on the news last night all the support the interim Ad got from other sports coaches? Thats gotta say something.

None of us arm chair quaterbacks know what really happened. JJ may have gone to the powers that be and wanted to stay and finally just "tripped the shute" as SB would say.
Wouldn't it surprise everyone if some how Hawaii could land USC coach Pete Caroll?

....USC coach Pete Carroll is expected to talk to the Atlanta Falcons today about their vacant head-coaching position, according to sources. Carroll is on vacation at his house in Hawaii and will speak to the Falcons by phone....

Coming home soon!
Damon ! dammit I was with you until I saw that "heidi" chic. She looks like a dude.
Originally posted by Nate SC

Damon ! dammit I was with you until I saw that "heidi" chic. She looks like a dude.

That wasn't the best of pictures.

this one gives her more justice.

And if she truly looked like a dude... I'd think about becoming gay.[Big Grin]

And since she played for the Warriors... I guess this is till on topic[:o)]

And we can't forget her younger sister Hedder [8)]

Coming home soon!
Damon you can be my "wing man" anytime. From the looks of those chics I bet you have no problem at all "taking one for the team".
The other chic in that photo looks like she could start for an arena football team. I'm just messing with you bud. To each his own.
I liked June Jones more in previous years -- previous to the episode of his wanting to keep his salary and perks from the public at a public institution. It makes me curious as to what other things arewere hidden if something of that nature, i.e., public salaries at a public institution, meant so much to him to fight it in court and lose.
Originally posted by HiloHaole

I liked June Jones more in previous years -- previous to the episode of his wanting to keep his salary and perks from the public at a public institution. It makes me curious as to what other things arewere hidden if something of that nature, i.e., public salaries at a public institution, meant so much to him to fight it in court and lose.

Lily played her volleyball in Texas[}Smile]

Coming home soon!
From the Advertiser, and available for free download on his website:

(To the tune of Lucille)

Frank DeLima's new parody song:

"What, June Jones, you going leave us now?

"The season stay finished

"But 'ohana not pau.

"I know you stay disgusted
"'Cause da locker room stay busted

"But wow, lau lau

"What, June Jones, you going leave us now?"
"Hawai'i is sunny but Texas get money

And we know in your heart you sincere;

You one hard act to follow, so good luck, mahalo

And for us, we still here..."

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