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Caucusing in Hawaii
Sorry Carol, I nearly started another thread about the turnout tonight...Here's my other almost thread:

Hey, this isn't about "who are you voting for?" but just want to say how impressed I was tonight when Pahoa had a solid line of cars and about every parking lot within walking distance of the Community Center jammed!

There was much confusion, many people and loads of excitement over the process. Way to go Puna!


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Ha! It was absolutely nuts, yah?
Wonderful to see the interest though: I agree.

There was an easy thousand people there when I passed through. I will be expecting another massive turnout on election day. A good omen for so many people to be getting involved! It should spill over into the local campaigns and issues too.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Hilo High was so packed they started voting while people were still registering because the room couldn't safely hold any more! The excitement was palpable, and there was a real sense of "we're all in this together." All ages, all races, kama'aina, malahine, long time voters and first time voters who registered Wiki Wiki; lots of people were just so excited that Hawaii's opinion mattered this time, usually its all decided by now.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Carol, that was the same thing a group of us at the district 3 (ILWU hall) noticed. It really was great to see the grouping of all ages & such, and the excitement! All we needed was a potluck for one ono parteh! BTW, if nothing else it was a great way to see that hall...always wondered what it looked like! Beautiful courtyard & meeting hall...but way too small for the hundreds (thousands?) there, the line wrapped around & around the property, but it was handled well & what an awesome dusk, with a ring of clouds gathering around the snow capped Mauna Kea & that MOON! Even long lines waiting to vote can be magnificent (and fun) here, no?
Like Rob says, the scene in Pahoa was phenomenal. Bear and I stood in line for nearly an hour, but we had a great time visiting with all the people there with us. We even saw some friends we hadn't seen in a long time. The lines for the HPP precincts seemed to be the longest, and there was a lot of confusion about which of the nine different lines to get into. Hopefully the level of interest will stay this high through to the general election.

It was a night to remember..felt like the 60's.....even through the confusion people were really trying to help steer everyone to the right spot.
A sampling of Big Island caucuses showed Obama winning 604-185 over Clinton at Hilo High School, scene of the District 2 caucus. Obama also easily carried District 4 in Puna, 746-273.

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