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Mamaki plants
My SO wants another Mamaki plant, since her old one died. I have not seen any in the wild for a while now, and was wondering if anyone knows of a source?
Now that you mention it, they aren't as common as they once were.

You might try Kua O Ka La Public Charter School near the Ahalanui Hot Pond. They specialize in propagating and giving away native species.

Kua O Ka La Phone # ....965-5098

There's a fellow at Maku'u market that has them from time to time.
You might also try Kenneth Lee Nursery in Panaewa 959-8892, Allie Atkins/Lehua Lena in Kea'au 966-7975, or maybe Jan Anderson at Kapoho Kai, 965-8839.

I think it's best to get seed from plants close to your climatic conditions. If you live up high, I have noticed a whole lot of them up in Volcano - some of them in the County road ROW.
Mamaki has grown easily for me from seeds and cuttings.

Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design
we, nalehua nursery, have some, grown in the volcano area from seed gathered in the area, how well they would adapt to a coastal environment I couldn't say, but if you are interested in purchasing contact me through my email

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