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Ladies only please...
actually, my family's life was changed forever by something really inept done by a Women's Clinic in Waimea. Is there more than one? Don't want to say anything bad about the wrong one, if so ...I think the doctor involved lost her license since then. I need to get the person's name who was responsible; it was the LVN of the time.

She fumbled and the result was that a perfectly normal pregnancy turned into a medivac horror story. My family should have sued but were too stressed out to take on the stress. It was amazing the baby lived -- severely disabled, but did live, put everyone through hell for several months though.

Ackkk, even thinking about it makes me feel ill. That's why I wondered it Lyn Lan was associated, as the name sounded familiar.

I'm glad to hear that the OBgyn crisis has lessened. I remember calling around in 2006 and just hitting a wall trying to get a simple annual exam scheduled.

Originally posted by Dave M


OK, before you ladies all get your hopes up.. The only one of these little jewels I've seen was on Moloka'i. I'm sure Damon can tell you if there's one around Esat Hawaii..

Sorry Ladies to interrupt your tea party here. Just wanted to respond to Dave.

Sorry, I don't really know of any on the Big Island, however, I have briefly heard of these Birthing stones and I appreciate you posting the link to them so that I could learn more about them.

What I do know, is that kids born here in Hawaii tend to have extremely long names [:o)]
I just counted the amount of letters in my son's full name... 38!

My grandfather delivered MANY Hawaiian Babies in the Sixties. It's a trip when I run into someone that was delivered by my grandfather here in Hawaii.

Medicine In Hawaii was really lacking up until Hawaii became a state and Doctors were commissioned to come to Hawaii.

It is the way... the way it is.
Maggie I had to schedule a well woman exam and tried to find a female OBGYN here in town. I already have a regular doctor, but no girl-doctor. No luck. So I ended up making an appointment with the Waimea Womens Clinic, which I have heard amazing things about.


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Most of the Haole folks I know including myself have their babies at home with a midwife.
Carolann, I wondered if I was the only one not having much luck on this side.

My opinion about midwife birthing is there should be a back-up plan. My stepdaughter, for example, in California, was having a midwife-attended birth, but the baby was breech and in distress, so she had to go to the hospital, and had to have a Caesarian. She very much wanted an all natural birth but nature arranged otherwise.

If you do end up at the hospital, it is far better to have a relationship in place with a doctor than to arrive and be tended by on call. I know, my first son I wanted to have at home, and did exactly that, ended up at hospital and was not treated nicely because I had no OB-gyn.

maggie, you should also know that in cases where there is a problem here, like premature birth or other pregnancy complications, they send you to Kapiolani on Oahu. We all hope that doesn't happen, but just be aware there is no preemie care or NICU on this island. The whole state is handled by Kapiolani Women and Children's hospital.

My daughter-in-law was medivaced to Kapiolani, where they hospitalized here for SIX WEEKS trying to keep the baby inside as long as possible. Then my grandson was in the NICU for four more months. It was very difficult for our family as we are far from rich, and no one could afford to stay on Oahu, my son needed to work ... oh, and his employer here fired him for going to Oahu for one of his son's first surgeries because they wouldn't give him approved time off.

With such a lovely system here, a lot of incentive to take very good care of yourself when pregnant and make sure the birthing goes smoothly, because if you are far from town and things turn difficult and that creates problems -- off you will go to Oahu.

They CAN do a C-section here, but they cannot handle serious complications.
I realize no one wants to think complications could happen to oneself.
To clarify... Dr. Lyn Lam used to be associated with the Waimea Women's Clinic, but no longer is. She kicked them out of 'her' office last November and forced them to move to their current location. Though she is still actively practicing her version of voodoo medicine. She has destroyed a lot of peoples lives, include my wife's. And we too would consider suing if the trauma that she inflicted ever subsides enough to be able to cope with such an ordeal. As I said in an earlier post please, for the welfare of all involved, please avoid this woman at all cost!
She has destroyed a lot of peoples lives, include my wife's. And we too would consider suing if the trauma that she inflicted ever subsides enough to be able to cope with such an ordeal.

Exactly! dakine, we should talk. I am almost positive this is the same doctor responsible for our ordeal. This was in late 2003. I'm glad to hear she's no longer associated with the Waimea clinic.

Email me if you're up to it.
Aloha y'all!

Wow what a rough ride it's been, I'm finally in Hilo!!! I LOVE IT here so far!

I'll be online again later and answer some of these posts, thanks a LOT everyone for your answers.

I'll give Dr. Ebesugawa a call. The Waimea clinic is really far...Anyone had any problems with Dr. Ebesugawa?

He delivers a lot of babies in Hilo, Maggie.
It's all good.
The baby nurses are all awesome up there in Hilo. I'm friends with a few of them...
Going to Waimea did mean they couldn't be there with me when I delivered, but I have to agree with Nalu about Waimea. I also agree with you about it being too far.
Won't it be great when we have a Birthing Center in Puna someday.

Wherever you give birth, you'll do just fine.

Hey, I'm about to post an invite for the Hilo Honeysuckles Breastfeeding Group, but I'm thinking, is there anyone interested in forming a breastfeeding group in Puna?
Email me at if so.

I can't find that email about the Hilo Honesuckles. Go to my website at It's posted there. We meet once a month.

How about the Puna Breastfeeding Moms? If there is already a group, please direct me to it.

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