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Aloha Puna!
HI Anthony,
What do you plan to do for the gays? Seriously, we are a large and growing population here and it would be nice if at the state level our families had legal recognition on par with those in CT, NJ, VT, NH, etc where there are domestic partnership laws and civil union laws. Will you work to establish benefits for same sex partners of state employees? The reciprocal beneficiaries system is almost pointless in how little it does. More and more gays and lesbians are ending up in Puna to retire, and honestly, I have not seen a single candidate in any race mention any gay specific issues. I asked Pilago's wife if he would provide same sex partner benefits to county employees and she had no idea what I was talking about or what his position. I know he likes owls on his signs. When I ran for office in 6th grade I had a more specific platform than most of the candidates in races here. I am glad to see you addressing some specific issues here!

One more thing, will you do anything about the sales tax on food? It's crazy that there is one for life's most basic necessity. This is a regressive tax which harms the poorest most disproportionately. I believe most states do not tax food. With Puna having a large low income population this seems to be an issue that could help a lot of people, especially with gas prices having doubled.
I believe in the separation of Church and State and that gays should have the right to Civil Unions and the same benefits as heterosexual marriages.

Diana G. Allegra
Diana G. Allegra
Diana -

I'm a bit confused. Are you a spokesperson for Mr. Marzi? I only ask because of the other post you posted above that was a quote from Mr. Marzi.

Anthony - It would suck if you didn't at least try to give us an answer to Rob's question. I know Rob's question maybe difficult, however, I think it's a question that needs to be addressed.

If you feel like answering me through Myspace instead of Punaweb... feel free to... you know where to find me.[8D]

Rally For the Plan
Mr Marzi, as a Leilani resient, what is your take on expanding geothermal, and how much?

Gordon J Tilley
No, I am not a spokesperson for Mr. Marzi. My name got inadvertently included in Mr. Marzi's post when I first tried to post on this website.

Diana G. Allegra
Diana G. Allegra
Thank you for clarifying Diana.

Tony said he would respond to this question "Today", so I'm sure he is preparing an answer for you Rob.

Rally For the Plan
Aloha Rob,

Thank you for the questions. I am sorry it has taken a while to respond; this campaign has been keeping me on my toes and it is sometimes difficult to reply to concerns right away. I am dedicated to addressing each question I receive without the use of assistants or ghostwriters. I believe that in this case, a late response directly from me is better than an immediate response from a campaign aid.
I understand your frustration with the bureaucracy of government preventing any real progress. Our current governmental system marginalizes groups such as homosexuals and thwarts efforts to bring about real change. Citizens rarely have the opportunity to lobby their politicians for new legislation and it is increasingly difficult for groups to present their ideas to the state legislature without spending large amounts of money.
A fellow software engineer has recently developed a piece of online software that will help bridge the communication-disconnect between representatives and their constituents. This will allow my website to become a hub of discussion regarding issues that I will be voting on. It pulls legislation down from the capitol website, then allows bills of interest to be “bumped” to the top and facilitates discussion as well as allows the opportunity for my constituents to voice their support or opposition. Additionally, the software will allow my constituents to introduce their ideas for legislation. This system will promote transparency and at the same time allow me to be truly accountable to my constituents—something every public servant should strive for.
Your concern about the tax on food is spot-on. It is a sad commentary on our state’s priorities that most essential of all needs is taxed. This policy threatens thousands of families; especially in lower Puna. I am absolutely committed to eliminating this unjust practice while in the State House of Representatives.

I hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other concerns. My personal email is tony (at)

Mahalo and take care,
Anthony Marzi
Candidate, State House District 4
Originally posted by Anthony Marzi

I hope this answers your questions. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other concerns....

Thank you for responding Toni.

Per our Myspace contact, you asked about the Hanohano connection that I have.

As I've previously stated on Punaweb, my vote goes to a strong candidate, and yes Ohana ties are strong, however, I believe in the future of Puna.

With that said, if elected, would you continue to participate in Punaweb.... and an even more telling question... will you continue to participate in Punaweb after the elections...if not elected?

Time will tell.

I like your thought process and although I do have Ohana that is your opponent... I'm still an open vote.

Ah sheesh Toni... while I have your brief attention... I know your busy... Hope your Brother is doing well.

What would you do locally to make sure that Puna residents don't have to drive all the way into Hilo for an Emergency room visit?

Toni... dang your'e gonna hate me by the end of this election season[Wink] How do you propose getting your Alma Matter, Pahoa High School, a fricking football team again.... (yes, this is important to how I vote!) [8D]

*edit* and while I'm at it... I don't really understand your most recent blog and where you stand on the issues stated there?

When you get the chance... I'd like to hear your thoughts on the whole Pakalolo issue[?]

Rally For the Plan
I meet Tony when he visited my home to discuss certain aspects of his campaign. I was impressed with this 23 year olds motivation to run for office.

As a former public school teacher it has always been my dream to see young people become more active in government.

Just one correction to Damon's post, it is my understanding that Tony was home schooled and thus not a graduate of Pahoa High.

I wish him the very best as he ventures into the political arena.
Hi Anthony,
You didn't answer my question about domestic partnership or civil union legislation at all actually. The use of the term "homosexual" is generally considered bad form in the LGBT community, is offensive and outdated. Kind of like calling African Americans "negros" or Asians "orientals."

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