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Burned by land clearing guy, a cautionary tale
editing to answer hikatz's edit:
I absolutely respect that you are speaking well from your experience, hikatz, and honestly I'm glad that there's someone to speak for him, because I don't like particularly talking about someone who isn't present to give his side. [Smile]

I should clarify that I can't say he absolutely did a great job with the trees, because he only cut them. He quit and left slash all over the place. He also said the way he planned to deal with the ferns was to pull them out and not cut them. He made a big deal about his method.

Then he did cut them and left it all uneven stumps.
He left me at least a day or two of work just cleaning up the mess he made.
Also, by taking the rope away that he had strung, he made it impossible to negotiate the steep slippery trail without falling, and we have to redo the rope in order to begin to deal with the mess he left, retrieving the materials, etc..

What he did here was BAD, let me be clear.
What he had the ABILITY to do -- I believe he could have done a good clearing job, but instead he just hacked and hewed and it was total slop.

He also left his underwear hanging on a tree down by the stream ... like a flag.
Not sure what that was about. [:p]

Lastly, I had enough other stuff to talk about, but I do wish people wouldn't show up with a dog at a site without asking. They tied the dog up where I had to go past it to talk to Troy, and it jumped on me, and barked ... and I really don't care for that. I was traumatized by dogs when I was a kid.

Also it traumatized my cats to have a dog show up on the property.
I think a person should ask and not assume before showing up with a dog and planning to tie it up while they work at someone's house.
I am glad somebody had a good experience with him because I sure didn't. In addition to demanding more $ than agreed upon, he didn't finish the job either. Since I wasn't there I couldn't check on it and after he got the money he refused to come back to finish the job. Sorry, but that's scam in my vocabulary.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

There are licensed and bonded tree cutters, just like many other contractors; this is a state license. There are also Certified Arborists who are certified through the ISA (International Society of Arborists) who have passed a set of rigorous tests that they cannot even take until they have both education and experience in the field. They also must continue to update their training and take tests to keep their certification. The ISA makes a real effort to weed out the absolute hacks and to revoke certification for bad professional practices.

There are several ISA certified people on the Island, personally I would only use someone who is certified as well as licensed and bonded if I was having trees trimmed or removed near my house or the neighbors. Tree cutting is dangerous work, and improper tree trimming can create dangerous and expensive future headaches. Of course if you are just removing all the trees in an area you don't need an expert in trees, but you do need an expert with the saw and ropes, and a good ground man to clean up the mess. This is another one of those areas where you get what you pay for; there are an awful lot of bozos with chain saws out there calling themselves tree trimmers.

I am so sorry that Kathy had to go through this. There is something about someone getting in your face in your own home that makes it especially bad.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Thank you Carol, you hit the nail on the head. It's a violation of one's home sanctity.

I will take your advice on getting a bonded tree service if I ever take out any of the big trees. I doubt I will at this point, but I would for the big stuff. The "trees" Troy cut for me were juveniles of about 4" trunks, but yes, it was a mistake because of the injury potential.

There are companies who come and do it with bucket trucks, who do the big tall trees. One of them, which has the HELCO contract, is Big Island Tree Service. I spoke to them last year when they came through for HELCO. That was about big trees though.

Aloha, John,
That's right, he didn't finish your job.
There are different definitions of scam I guess. Mine would be that they never intend to do the job.

I am not sure Troy is in that category, but maybe so. I pegged him more for someone who acts like a big baby and has a tantrum and quits when the job ceases to be easy for him. But if he likes the job and the money, then he will finish it.

Is that a scam? Maybe. At the least, he has a lot of nerve representing himself as reliable with that kind of history. And is thoroughly unprofessional to act that way, and as for extorting more money, I think he deserves to have a complaint filed on that one.


"He also left his underwear hanging on a tree down by the stream ... like a flag.
Not sure what that was about. " (Kathy)

So,if anyone hires Mr. Troy,please,ask him.
Is it his badge of honor? Ancestors shield ?
Broken washer?
Accidents happen ...[Smile]
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
[Big Grin] my thought exactly, Hope.

As an update to all this, I decided this morning not to be the kind of victim who simply writes it off. I sent him a letter asking for reparation, and as the chances of him seeing reason are roughly equal to the chance we will see cockroaches become extinct in our lifetime -- I told him I would take it to Small Claims, and I will.

If nobody does anything, that's just sending the message that it's OK to act like a bully and leave people in the lurch. Going to court should at least provide a disincentive to keep operating in that mode.
Originally posted by KathyH

[Big Grin] my thought exactly, Hope.

If nobody does anything, that's just sending the message that it's OK to act like a bully and leave people in the lurch. Going to court should at least provide a disincentive to keep operating in that mode.

Right on Kathy~ I salute your action. Abusive people need to rethink their actions before treating fellow humans that way and it sounds like Troy hasn't had cause to do so in earlier cases of him losing it on people.
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Hmm.. Law suite. As much as I support your actions with regards to Punaweb and spreading the word about this guy I'm not sure if legal action would be the best action. I'm not by any means saying what he did was right or excusable but leave it to me to point out the obvious here. By your own description I think you're dealing with a


Kathy, I've delt with these folks and they like to sneak around at night and do sht to people and property. (EX: Digging up John's bushes) Now, you know me and I'm not above confrontation but even I take pause when dealing with a meth freak. I know, I'm basicly saying cut your losses and move on and yes I did come on here and blast lacky for saying that but I'm saying it to a freind and in a much more considerate manner [Smile] (with smiley faces). The personality you described in your first post screamed Ice head.. to me. I forsee a restraining order etc.. if you pursue this guy. I think we can all agree that Puna is along way from Berkly. I guess what ever you do is up to you but I felt the need to throw my two cents in.. I just really think you should proceed with cautiion.. LOL.. he left his freakin undies hanging in a tree!!! With love, dave


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you. Neil Young


"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

>>>I think we can all agree that Puna is along way from Berkly.

well, I'm not so sure. Berkeley West maybe. LOL
Berkeley has some crazy stuff going on.

I hear you Dave, about the risk.

Small claims is not a lawsuit, as far as I'm concerned.
It's where you go when you don't want to play lawsuit games.

My house has plenty of security around it.
If he's a speed freak, he needs to be checked.
I did think hard about it, and I'm not all starry-eyed about justice being easy.
But he needs to know he can't keep bullying people and having no one stand up to him.
I'm just one of those people who looks easy, but look out, I can stand up for myself.

Restraining order -- well, it is trespassing if he comes on my property again and I put him on notice.

I've been in this business for 8 years and have a huge amount of happy customers, unfortunatly you can't please everyone. There are 2 sides to every story so I will gladly tell you mine if you care. I can give you many references if you need.

I feel sorry for you Kathy. Shame on you for all your lies.


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