Maybe if someone is tired, hurting and frustrated, they tend to overreact and maybe things were said that should not have been said.
I'm sorry, there is no excuse for saying such horrible things and baseless accusations. What about my being upset about him accusing me of planning all along not to pay him?
I TRIED to talk some sense and asked him ONE THING I had done that was not to terms, and he couldn't say anything, but only continued yelling names.
I am not making excuses, I am trying to understand a situation where I feel a good person has had his reputation ripped to shreds, (this is also posted on google).
If he is a good person he should act like a good person. He hasn't, so in my book he isn't a good person.
He ripped almost $1000 out of what I have to finish up my house, and left a disaster. I could not afford it. And he traumatized me at a time when I'm already stressed enough ... I probably have as much or more stress going on as he does.
O.K. maybe he was rude
what he said was light years beyond rude.
maybe the work was not up to par
then he shouldn't have demanded money for it that he wasn't owed. When you do crappy work for someone, and leave them in the lurch, what would I do? I'd at least not charge them for it!
but that covers a hell of lot of people in Puna that also have done shoddy work and have an attitude, but their names are not posted all over punaweb and google!
well, first, I'm not responsible for Google. I didn't post "on" Google. I don't make a study of how search engines bring things up.
Second, if there are a hell of lot of people in Puna who do equally shoddy work with an attitude like what he laid on me, I have not encountered one to date. But if I did I would post the same as I did about Troy.
To say that the job is too much for Troy -- then he shouldn't have said "I can do thus and such." When he presents himself as an expert as he does, and he tells people he can do something, it's up to him to admit if he erred in starting it. Have a conversation, say the approach isn't working.
The fact is he never admitted he was in over his head. What he said to me was that it was GREAT and almost DONE and only a bit of finishing, and he would be ready to be paid. Then he got FURIOUS when I didn't go for the shoddy job and said it was unsafe and unacceptable. What he needed to do was apply himself a little and do the things he said he was going to, but instead he decided to QUIT.
I was talking to my younger son about that, and he said in the past he has quit jobs but he would never dream of asking to be paid further. When you make a choice to walk away and leave someone in a hole, the person who hired you doesn't owe you ANYTHING, and his tactics to get more money out of people are UNACCEPTABLE. He should not be in business and act like that. Period.
If his personality meltdown was due to some horrible stress he was under, he could have apologized later, but he didn't.