I'm glad your pau posting here Kathy...
Now maybe we can all learn from the hard lessons.
A. Have Written Contract
B. Realize that Punaweb is open domain
C. Look at Google once in a while
D. Ask More People Then Just Punaweb People for Recommendations
E. Realize that words hurt and can cause crap down the road
F. I blog about anything and everything, if someone thinks that their posts on Punaweb are private... well they have learned a quick lesson.
G. There are always two sides of a story
H. Ranting and Raving after a few sips of "Whine" might backfire and lead to changing topics and/or posts
I. **** ****ING HAPPENS...
J. The best lessons learned are the hard ones.
K. One persons hard work could be anothers view of crap.
L. Google doesn't give a rip about a Punaweb Community
M. I care to much about the PW community
N. I'm often misunderstood
O. I won't work for people that are hard to work for
P. Everyone can have a bad day now and then
Q. Bitching and complaining doesn't necessarily fix things... however it sure feels good.
R. I only posted on my blog a story that could have lead into something more... I regretted it... but I can't tell google to take it down...but I did take it down after it was requested from my blog.
S. Many Blogs won't let you change the topic as your mood swings
T. Sorry you had a crappy experience
U. You know I got your back KathyH and I could have probably recommended someone to you also...but it sure would suck... had you started up with something like this to one of my friends.
V. The internet is more powerful then you think.
W. Finding contractors that will work for low prices is hard to find and burning bridges with them won't get you much work down the road.
Y. Best of luck with your lawsuit
Z. "There's a hole in the bucket.... Dear Kathy... Dear Kathy... There's a hole in the bucket."