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Naeole vs. Safarik Runoff
Here is my problem with Gary...
where is he?
I see Emily everywhere, talking to people, doing things. Of all the politicians around this year, I see and talk to her more than any other.

Gary is nowhere to be found.

And that is my only problem with Gary. he may be more professional and all, but I think he will sit there in Hilo and take screened phone calls all day.

This is really sad, as I don't even agree with Emily all that much. Nor do I like the religious stuff she pulls, but at least she shows up.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
This will be my one and only post on this topic.

In September 2006, I voted for Russell Ruderman.

In November 2006, I did not want to vote for Gary Safarik, but had less than stellar confidence in Emily Naeole's ability to do what needs to be done.

When I got inside the voting booth (paper ballot, thank you) I looked down at the names and there was just no way I could vote for Gary Safarik.

My experience over the previous 4 years as a constituent trying in vain to communicate to my elected local government representative, and then as a Council staff watching his behavior, informed me of too much negative that I could not pretend did not exist.

Is Naeole a great Council member? No.

However, based on what I have seen her do and what I know about the Council process, there is 100% certainty in my statement that, compared to Gary Safarik, Emily Naeole will do a better job of representing her constituency's expressed interests, albeit requiring an above average amount of input from that same constituency.

She will hear people when they speak clearly. In the Wheelabrator public hearings she listened and heard and voted accordingly; in the Puna CDP process, although initially straying badly, in the end she was very conciliatory and offered no further obstacle to implementation.

Can Emily Naeole be depended on to have learnt from the difficulties she created for herself -- including appointment of destructive staff and getting sucked in by opponents to the PCDP -- in her first term?

The only answer I can give to that is to say I have more confidence in being able to respond 'yes' than I can in answering 'yes' to this question:

'Has Gary Safarik learnt his lesson about being serious in listening to and heeding his constituents better than he did in 3 previous terms?'

To this question, my experience and instinct tells me to answer, 'no', I cannot be confident that Gary Safarik will be any different, any more concerned and empathetic with his many constituents struggling to make a go of it in their new home, and any less xenophobic and aloof than he was for those 6 years.

In the interest of all people the District 5 Council being heard by their member, my vote must go to Emily Naeole.


James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Naeole and Safarik?!?!?!?!
Why, Puna, why???

I'm reserving judgement on this one for a while. Surely someone will organize a debate or two between now and the general election, and hopefully they will have a citizen question component. I have questions for both of them. For me, it will all come down to who seems best able to get the job done, and not who has pissed off the most people. They've both done plenty of that, just in different ways.

It's a 'given' in Puna politics that Ms. Naeole is accessible and easy to talk to. I can personally confirm that, and I have had several cordial conversations with her. I'm just not sure she is ready to LISTEN to her constituents unless she is confronted by the figurative hammer of an angry citizenry headed straight for her forehead. It shouldn't be so hard to get her real attention. And then there is the pencil throwing and name calling problem. I could go on, but it's all been said.

Mr. Safarik got voted out last time, and I think it was only partly because of his ascerbic personality. Other factors were citizen impatience with the pace of improvements in the district and Ms. Naeole's very effective voter registration efforts. At the Pahoa forum, I asked Gary Safarik why we should give him a second chance. He said all the right words in response, but many there were not convinced. I need more convincing, but am willing to consider him.

Most people in this district do not participate in intellectual exercises on blogs like I do. Many don't particularly care if they can have a cordial conversation with their Councilperson. What most of them really want is someone to represent them who will effectively deal with the problems of the district.

Stay tuned. This is going to be very interesting.


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