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Pot initiative passed but won't be enforced
Originally posted by Mitzi M

I am also confused by the hopeful passing of this initiative. Here is one important thing that I think it means, but I'm not sure.

I think it prohibits the County from agreeing to have County cops deputized to take part in pot busts organized by the DEA. So, take for example the recent busts in Ocean View - the County worked under the DEA there (and I believe supplied much of the human power not to mention directions to some out of the way places for the feds). If I understand correctly, this new law would make it so that the County could not participate in this way. The feds could still do what they wanted but would have to have all their own people and um...maybe "Onstar" or something to help them find their way. Anybody know for sure?

Mitzi, I'm glad you mention the Oceanview busts. Also Hilo did the same thing too right around the same time. Did you personally know any of the folks busted in Oceanview?

The county ****ed up big time with their harassment of card carrying medical cannabis patients. But apathy working in favor of the county with regard to medical cannabis. So I ask you. How did the DEA come to find out the addresses of these medical cannabis patients in OceanView? I assume the county handed over info since all cannabis patients have to register with county for their "blue card",right? I mean how else are they gonna get this info? Guess what? THose arrested have the DEA & county by their "short hairs"!!! Why? Easy my friends, the DEA & county both violated the doctor/patient confidentiality laws that protect patients!!! Anybody who knows anyone busted in OceanView needs to be informed of this, and obtain an attorney pronto!!!! MAjor lawsuits can be filed with these cops actually named in the lawsuit too!

Nov.4th, 8 out of 9 cannabis initiatives passed across America. It's time Hawaii embraces the future so we can get our local economy moving. Think how Hawaii could benefit from Hemp if it was legal. With all this vast land mass on the Big Island, here would be perfect to get our local economy jump started with hemp farms..


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

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in response to bystanders post. Yesterday the helicopters were flying in full force in HPP, so they are going for the gusto before being made to stop.

I'm sure federal funding will be an issue down the road. Feds will use it as leverage against Big Island for highway improvements et.,etc...


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

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"Mahuna said he's glad the marijuana eradication program will be able to operate at full force -- meaning helicopters will continue to be deployed to search for illegal marijuana crops -- for at least another year."

what an a**hole, sure would be fun to fly over his house and terrorize him like they do to us

Originally posted by Beachboy
Mitzi, I'm glad you mention the Oceanview busts. Also Hilo did the same thing too right around the same time. Did you personally know any of the folks busted in Oceanview?

Nope, I don't know any of those folks - but I did hear a rumour that at least one officer got in trouble over Ocean View. Something about a disabled woman who got to the door just as they were kicking it in and was injured(?) But then it's just the coconut telegraph, so I can't say for sure if it's true. I believe that marijuana patients have to sign up with the State, not the County, but who knows how and with whom this information is shared.
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

See item 28 on this list of to do's to de-criminalize the chronic. You might even add your endorsement. This is a national to do list.

mella l

"Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant with the weak and wrong....because sometime in your life you will have been all of these."
mella l
Art and Science
Now that President elect Barack Obama will take office soon there has much been said about what Pres. Obama will do about cannabis. First off let me clear the air on decriminalization issue. Obama said at this time he does not favor decriminalization of cannabis. What he did say was he wants to feds to stop the harassing cannabis co-ops in California. He said he wanted that done even if it means rewriting some federal laws. All also said he favors the states deciding the fate of their medical marijuana patients. But it probably won't be on his agenda in the first 100 days of office. But I'll take what he gives us folks. Had McCain been elected he would have forced all states to suspend their medical marijuana programs! Closed all co-op within first 30 days of office. Glad the old fart never got elected!


You know the only difference between Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney is ... lipstick.

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I think Pot and drugs in general are way to profitable to politicians while illegal. Prisons, judges, layers, cops, and politicians love the status quo. Legalizing drugs would hit them all in the pocketbook.

I abhor Hard drugs and don't smoke pot, but I think we could decriminalized pot. Then we could focus on treatment for ice and heroin instead of prison. I would like to see dealers of hard drugs get automatic death sentence.

I would offer an automatic plea bargain to dealers, if they would bring down their supplier, I'd offer them lethal injection instead of the firing squad.

And that's all I have to say about that!
You mean these hard drug dealers?
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Read "The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia" for an education on US Government sponsored drug trafficing. It tells the story of the CIA (through their "front" company; Air America)buying Heroin from the warlords in Laos, Burma, and Cambodia, so that they wouldn't support the communists(during the Vietnam war). The CIA would then fly this junk to Vietnam, and then to the United States. This is not some conspiracy theory; I saw first hand how Heroin became the readily available drug of choice to thousands of US soldiers in Vietnam. 98% pure smack could be purchased by your local Hootch maid for about $3/gram.

Whether trafficing for political reasons, or eradicating for economic ones, the Government isn't going to give up this cash cow easily.

funny you should mention that book Greg. Do you know that it was banned in the good old US of A back in the early 80's for the longest time. I think besides the book "The politics of Heroin in Southeast-Asia", and throw in "Behold a Pale Horse", and the "The Rise & fall of the House of Saad", should be mandatory reading of people who truly wanna understand American politics behind closed doors. All three books are backed by facts,and all three books will blow your mind about american politics! And these books didn't even touched on Ollie North's contra scam either!?!

I think a lot of Americans would be surprised if they knew that our Government talks out the side of it's neck as much as it does. Especially with the issue of drugs!

Greg, where were you stationed in Vietnam?


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

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