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HPP under attack!!!!
More likely to be injured by a car than a gun?
Not in Texas anyway.

"In Texas, deaths from gun injuries outnumbered deaths from automobile accidents last year for the first time since such records were computerized in 1964, according to a new study by a research team from the Texas Department of Health.

The study, based on a review of death certificates from 1985 to 1990, showed that 3,443 people were killed by guns in Texas last year, compared to 3,309 killed by automobile accidents. Results of the study were published in the November issue of Texas Medicine, a publication of the Texas Medical Association."

This is from a New York Times article published today.

Published today?

You might want to look at that again. That was published on 1991

Texas did not get the concealed carry law until 1995.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Sorry, I was looking at the wrong date on the link.

I'm sure that there are at least as many auto deaths as gun deaths in Texas today. That's something to be proud of. I'll look for more up to date statistics.
This Stuff everyone is so willing to cede to some low-life represents so many hours out of your life to acquire. Steal my Stuff you are stealing a portion of my life. I take all reasonable efforts to protect our belongings from theft everything we have right down to screwdrivers is engraved, it is all photographed and documented as to model, serial # if applicable. I will and have prosecuted to the absolute fullest extent of the law. I made every court hearing for the scum that stole from us and was successful in getting them a 3 year sentence. I would have liked life, but couldn't get it. That being said if I catch someone in my home, they will be held for the police, if they offer no threat to me or mine. If I feel threatened, then I guess we will see in court if I was justified. I use video camera's already and will continue to do so. My dog is encouraged to suspect strangers and is not approachable unless told it's ok, will not accept food from the hand, nor will he pick it up out of the yard. I refuse to take more steps to protect ourselves than we already do. Having spent time in Saudi Arabia, I personally would use their method to discourage theft, after the second time, you have to use your teeth to steal, WORKS FOR ME, you can bleed for the poor thief, not me.

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
In reply to Tom's question about whether I'd rather do what the police told me "watch my stuff" or contemplate going after someone with a gun, that's an easy answer for me.

I watched my stuff. I have zero desire to get in a confrontation involving a gun.

My most favorite situation would have been that they arrested the lowlifes.

btw, he meant the stuff was at risk when we weren't home, not that I had to worry about someone busting in my house while I slept at night.
I can't find any evidence for or against...

But the trend on firearm crimes dropped from 1991 to 2004.

where fatal car crashes was about the same year to year.

Originally posted by Greg

Sorry, I was looking at the wrong date on the link.

I'm sure that there are at least as many auto deaths as gun deaths in Texas today. That's something to be proud of. I'll look for more up to date statistics.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
Would it be ok if the Sate of Hawaii decided that your rights like:
Freedom of Speech
A women"s Right to Vote
A black's Right to emancipation and voting
Right to be secure in you personal effects
were summarily taken away?

No, you wouldn't sit still for a second, because they are outlined as amendments to the constitution as individual rights!

The 2nd amendment is so important that is was expressly outlined in the Bill of Rights.

Just because a state makes a law, that does not make it legal.
Furthermore the 14th amendment say that states can not take away your rights.

They will get my gun when the coroner releases it to them.

Surely comparing guns to automobiles is neither here nor there.
A generous estimate of gun usage is 1 hour a week, I would think.
A conservative estimate of automobile use would be 1 hour a day.

Maybe more interesting is a statistic of gun deaths in defence of property vs all other gun deaths.
Can't find it yet...

Also, what do the cops say? Do they recommend buying a gun to defend your property?

Aprox 30,000 people die every year from firearms.......40,000 from automobile accidents.
I wonder how high the automobile death rate would be if people used them a little more for murder....right now the 40,000 number is mostly from accidents....(Death by firearm accidents are about 600/year)


I would like address the out of shape geezer with a gun comment. Most of the so called geezers in our club are avid hunters who regularly hunt mountains above the 7000' foot level. The majority that I know of are all capable of putting 10 rounds in the 10 ring at 50'. We shoot against the local police on a annual basis, and so far the score is geezer winning 8 out of the last 10 years. To hold an idiot up who shoots in the direction of a fellow hunter is an insult to the 2.5 million licensed hunters who go afield every without injuring anyone. To pick and choose isolated incidents is a favorite tactic of the anti-gun crowd. You are entirely free to let bottom dwellers rip you off, but like esnap said, from my cold dead hands. I'm also sick and tired of firearms owners who would protect their property, in accordance with applicable laws, being demonized, BAH

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"

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