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HPP under attack!!!!
Originally posted by oink

The video did get one part correct. The people of N.C. are generally very friendly.

Big Islander to be.

Unless you are not white, but... for the record... i was just in Mooresville outside of Charlotte. Glad I was just visiting, havent been back since.

Tom, the reason that HPP is under attack is not for lack of good citizens who care here in HPP. I think every resident of HPP cares for his of her fate with regard to crimes in this subdivision. Now why is HPP such a target? It's not because HPP is full of "tree hugging pacifist". But the criminal element knows that HPP is really spread out. I believe it's the largest private subdivision in America. Making it easy for "perps" to cruise in and out freely! Now HPP does have a "neighborhood watch"too. But it is made up of retired baby boomers who probably couldn't even 'bust a grape' if their life depended on it. In HPP we can only hope their visual presence will help make "perps" think twice before committing their crime. Unfortunately their presence is mostly during the hours the perps are at home resting. There are even private neighborhood watches on street too. 14th Ave. comes to mind off hand. All the residents on that street who are participating in their street,neighborhood watch also have signs to hang on their fences saying beware of neighborhood watch. Even my street the neighbors have talked about forming such a group. But the problem is this. Between Kaloli Ave. & Paradise Ave., there is probably only 10 houses on my street. That is not very much. So it's perfect for "perps" to come and cause havoc during the day, or night.

Tom, I imagine the majority of the residents of Puna, are a lot like me. Fiscally conservative, but socially progressive, or liberal how ever you wanna term it. Actually I'd hope you'd see things that way too[ yeah right!]. But you have shown your cards already with your answer to my Sara Palin barb.
I wanna kinda touch on this too. You said in one of your other posts that basically the next four years will be terrible for America. I'm assuming you didn't like the outcome of the Nov.4th elections? But the results are a direct reflection of how this country felt betrayed over the past 8 years! We suffered 8 years at the hands of a Texan wannabe mental midget who dragged us through 8 years of fascism. We went from one of the proudest nations in the world, the the laughing stock of the world thanks to GW Bush!
Tom, we didn't have to go into Iraq! On the contrary, taking us into Iraq only shuck the Muslim Bee Hive up beyond our wildest dreams!


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Thanks for listening Jon, (If you weren't being sarcastic that is) makes me feel better. Would of thanked you sooner but my modem crashed for about 10 minutes. I hate it when that happens!
Coackaroaches are cowards and usually do crime out of Opportunity. Get a bulletproof safe. Better yet, Live in a storage container and no one will mess with You.

One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
One Thing I can always be sure of is that things will never go as expected.
I have to agree with Jay on the neighborhood watch. I have belonged to them in most area's where I lived and there are good and bad ones. The worst are useless. I've found meeting my neighbors, knowing their cars, and having some idea of their work schedules has been more effective. This tends to engender a feeling of community and pro-active involvement with my neighbors. It is also much more effective than most watches I've seen, not that they are a bad idea, its just knowing your neighbors, even the ones you may not care for works better,IMHO

dick wilson
dick wilson
"Nothing is idiot proof,because idiots are so ingenious!"
I've stayed silent through all 15 pages on this because I really didn't know what to say. But now I have to agree on the Neighborhood Watch. We should all get to know our neighbors. A strong community and communication with those around us helps us all. It should go without saying that keeping your family safe is top priority, but keeping my neighbors family safe is a priority as well. as kimo wires said, it is karma. Creating a good vibe within the community will help the whole neighborhood. Well that being said....maybe i shouldn't of posted anyway![Smile]
Be lucky if you all have great neighbors.

If my place ever does get robbed... My neighbor or one of their friends is the first person I'm going to suspect.

But then again, I've got a crazy neighbor that I wouldn't even begin to try and be friendly with!

I guess every block tends to have that one crazy on the block that can ruin things for everyone.

I can't think of the case or the laws that were exactly broken, but I do remember a case on Oahu about 18 months ago where a guy was put away just for terrorizing neighbors although he had not yet acted upon any of the neighbors.

My Blog
Well, Damon, it's time to quit putting up with antisocial neighbors, or at least to quit subsidizing them. If we were indeed proactive about refusing to "enable" anti-social behavior a lot would change very rapidly.

Unfortunately the only moral authority that really exists due to the social environment of the big island must come from local families of heritage. There is a a lot of outright miserable behavior that has no traditional basis that goes unchallenged because to condemn it is immediately labeled a "mainland" attitude. "Well, if we want to abuse our dogs, kids, and wives that's our way, so get used to it, etc." The challenge to that attitude must come loudly from those in the local community that have unquestionable social authority to make a just condemnation. Elsewise, all we're left with is a heavy handed police state.
Fitz -

"Unquestionable Social Authority" should not be put upon anyone.

This is something that has to come from within.

As you know, there are many local families of "heritage" that will go out of their way to help "mainlanders".

It's not a responsibility though, it comes from within.

"Unquestionable Social Authority"... Can I use that on my kid?

That just doesn't work sometimes with a psychotic neighbor that is chemically imbalanced to the point that he abuses himself.

Something that hasn't been addressed... is stiffer penalties for those who have been busted for offenses.

What I'm sick and tired of reading... is stories of people that are finally put away for life for murdering someone... when they have 20 + prior convictions.

I've heard that if you ever want to commit a crime... Hawaii is the place to do it. Police are lacking and prison times are minimal.

Thugs are only getting there hands slapped because of the simple cause that our prisons are too full as it is.

Empty the prisons of the people that are in there for non-violent crimes and fill em up with those that are committing crime and make their terms longer.

My Blog
Holy smokes Beachboy,

When you undermine something like the neighborhood watch as a useless tool you are WRONG. These people are heros [each and every one of them] Yes, most of them [including me] are somewhat over the hill, but these [us] old Geezers are out there trying to do something while you do nothing and then criticize their [our] efforts.

Please explain this statement to me.

“Now HPP does have a "neighborhood watch"too. But it is made up of retired baby boomers who probably couldn't even 'bust a grape' if their life depended on it.”

Would it be better to arm these “baby boomers?” Yep, it sure as hell would. Us baby boomers paved the path that you walk on now and are still trying to keep it safe while you complain about our lack of agility.

The rest of your post is just as silly and dose not even deserve more comment, You sleep tight now while us “baby boomers” try and make it safe for you your family. “Bust a grape” give me a try sometime sonny.

The Lack
Beachboy is a boomer too, although he might not like to admit it. I'm still 29.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

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