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HPP under attack!!!!
Originally posted by Tom Lackey

Holy smokes Beachboy,

When you undermine something like the neighborhood watch as a useless tool you are WRONG. These people are heros [each and every one of them] Yes, most of them [including me] are somewhat over the hill, but these [us] old Geezers are out there trying to do something while you do nothing and then criticize their [our] efforts.

Please explain this statement to me.

“Now HPP does have a "neighborhood watch"too. But it is made up of retired baby boomers who probably couldn't even 'bust a grape' if their life depended on it.”

Would it be better to arm these “baby boomers?” Yep, it sure as hell would. Us baby boomers paved the path that you walk on now and are still trying to keep it safe while you complain about our lack of agility.

The rest of your post is just as silly and dose not even deserve more comment, You sleep tight now while us “baby boomers” try and make it safe for you your family. “Bust a grape” give me a try sometime sonny.

The Lack

I guess the truth hurts hey Tommy boy. But like the young pig from Florida said, I'm a baby boomer too! That's why I figure I can chime in on this. It wasn't meant as a direct hit against you or any other "over the hill gang member" who missed the turn off for 'Buffalo Gap, Texas", and ended up in Puna. Unfortunately it's the truth. The majority of these so called neighborhood watches are patrolled by retirees. I'm not knocking that at all, it's the reality of it, and guess what? All the "perps" know that too!!!! Sometimes you have to think like a criminal to out smart them!

Nah Tommy Boy, I don't wanna get all sweaty & dirty with you, or anybody for that matter! The last time I did that, it cost me 8 year of my life! Besides, how would it look if a "progressive" put you in a headlock, and make you scream like a little school girl?[Wink]

Tommy Boy, anytime you jump on a progressive here, don't expect it to go unchallenged,...look around you! This is not Crawford Texas,or 'Bush Country' anywhere USA. Even though your comment wasn't directed to me, I still felt compelled to answer it!
Listen Tom, this is a "blue state",did you not know that when you moved here? You're gonna catch grief from time to time! But it can all be in good fun,without attacking the messenger!

Now I know Rob doesn't tolerate National politics, but feel free to PM me if you wanna dance over GW Bush and his doctrine! I know why you wouldn't answer. GW Bush has been a total embarrassment to this country. If the GOP ever expects to win again, they had better distinguish between religion & politics. To many GOP members jumped party line because of that, and also because Obama is a breathe of fresh air. After 8 years of having a moron front the country . WE can now spend the next four years mending our fences! To be honest with you Tom, I felt offended by our country having a president who couldn't pronounce "nuclear' [:o)]. Then Sara Palin brings out the GOP base??? I'm sorry, the majority of those folks were just plain old white trash filled with hate for a person of different color. I could believe it either. Watching the lies by the GOP made me sick, and then watching the rallies behind those lies. Tommy, get ready for change buddy. The days of White America calling the shots are over!!! But don't worry Tom, it's a good thing a brewing, and no B. Obama is gonna raise up this country once again. Surely you can see the destruction GW Bush did to this country of ours?

Tom, I don't know about you, but I can't wait for GW Bush's Presidential Library to be completed. Just thinking about it makes me all giddy. I'm already debating myself as to which room is gonna be the best at the GW Bush Presidential Library. It's some what of a toss up, I 'm stuck between imagining the 'Katrina Room', and or the 'Abu Ghraib Room' as being sooooo GW Bush![B)] My wife said without seeing it, she favors the 'Guantanamo Bay room'! How about you? I was thinking the 'Putin Room' wouldn't be bad either. I wonder if this room will have a picture of Bush looking into Putin's eyes/soul[:p]?

Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Just like Reagan, history will tell the story. So far the only president who record reflected his perceived performance in my life times was Jimmy Carter.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
As another boomer who will be contributing to the tax rolls till I die, I feel we should be able to defend ourselves with guns, power is all those who would burn us understand. Neighborhood watch is ok as long as the watchers watch and record, not verbally play cop.

The Putin room might be in Obamas library, seems the ruskies are back in Cuba and exercising their fleet with Chavez, I wonder what they're waiting for?

China too is flexing it's muscle, and claiming soverignity over whomever they see fit. Either country could take over our leadership in the world without problem, neither civil rights nor environment will bother them, Gitmo wouldn't be an issue nor would race or religion.
Gordon J Tilley
all new presidents are tested upon taking office. I'm just glad we have an intellect going into in the Oval Office in six weeks. What a breathe of fresh air that will be too! But I will express that leading up to the general election I was scared. Scared that "stupid America" would put another jackass into office[Palin]. I ashamed of Alaska, and even more ashamed of America....that we came close to putting yet another idiot into office who can't pronounce 'nuclear'!?!? Boy has this country really lowered to bar as far as presidents & VP's go...but thank God logic prevailed on Nov.4th! Closer to home, I now think this state finally realizes what fool our Governor is too. She goes onto the National Campaign trail, and our state is a mess!?!?!


Let's get together and over grow the government!!!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Beachboy or girl whatever you are I said it ounce and I'll say it again.........

"The rest of your post is just as silly and dose not even deserve more comment, You sleep tight now while us “baby boomers” try and make it safe for you your family. “Bust a grape” give me a try sometime sonny."

The Lack
Talk about baiting and insulting... you just called almost half of the people in the US stupid... history also says that you might need to look in mirror to see who you are calling names.

I know a few well educated people or as you say have an intellect... and they are very smart and all that... but they can't tie their shoes and every decision takes years of research.

you also might start looking at home for people to be ashamed of. Have you seen the Hawaii Senators?

you might also do some reading on how Alaska has been cleaned up, would not hurt for Hawaii to do the same.

Transplanted Texan
"I am here to chew bubble gum and kick some *** ... and I'm all out of bubble gum"
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
why so negitive against Sarah? she is the best thing to happen in Alaska in a long time. did you have this opinion of her before she was chosen to run with McCain? Im just wondering what she did to get you so fired up. Here in alaska she has a approval rate of over 80%. I hope you didnt buy into the lies that were said about her. since you dont live in alaska its hard to fiqure out why you dislike her so much. is it because of her values? im just curious[?]

Alaska has the highest crime rate, and violent crime rate in the nation by some measure. Ted Stevens is a convicted felon, and Sarah Palin thinks the world is 6000 years old.

Mind you, these are simply statements of fact.
show me where alaska has the highest crime rate. ive lived here most of my life, work for the state as a youth counselor in a youth facility and i see the crime. its minor. i leave my house unlocked as do most of my friends. a person has no problem hitching a ride and our streets are clean and paved.
from what im reading hpp has more crime than alaska at least per captiol. we might have more drunks killing people thats for sure and in the villages we have our fair share of issues with alcohol and teen pregency but its a native thing. before us whites came the village life was very hard but at least alcohol wasnt a factor.
you can have up to 4 ounces of bud in your home and grow up to ten plants. i bet some of you guys would go for that[8D]
trust me alaska is friendly and safe. ive been coming to hilo since 78 and feel the same about hawaii...friendly and safe. we both have our share of bad people but from what ive seen everyone does. its hard to find a real gang here, you can call a trooper and they will be at your aide in less than 10 minutes more like a few. if you get stuck all kinds of folks will pull over and help you.

by the way sarah is twice as smart as any of us...look what we are doing today talking on the internet and she is running the richest,biggest (and coldest[Big Grin]) state in the union. everyone in alaska is 1200.00 dollars richer because of her. property taxes in wasilla (fastest growing city in alaska)are the lowest ever. we could start a new subjet on alaska but we should focus on making puna a safe wonderful place to raise a child.
HPP is under attack and I don’t feel that it is going to get much better in the next few years. Let’s face the facts as much as I love Hawaii it is a welfare state. Hawaii has become a welfare state ever since it was excepted into the union. When the people of Hawaii voted to become the 50th state they were promised that welfare would be distributed to the poor and needy. This is an ok thing and was and still is the proper thing to do. But now it has become a way of life to many going back three generations and no intentions of changing it. Welfare has now become an entitlement to many that think it is their right and only work for extra money. Some have even refused to work so they choose to steal or sell drugs for the money. This brings us to one of the major reason for break-in at HPP and around the state.

The more government programs that are implemented to the people that won’t work for the extra money the more otiose they will become. This in hand will cause them to do more lawbreaking for their extra monies. So this great big CHANGE that we all have been pledged to by letting the government issue out much more entitlements will do more harm than good.

If the CHANGE and new government would constitute the capable to go out and work for their possessions instead of handing them out we may see a decrease in crime. If one works for what they have the next thing you will see is that they will want to be armed also to protest what they worked for. By just giving people almost everything that they have they really don’t care about their possessions because there is always more of where that came from. So for many of the people that believe all of this CHANGE is going to be all positive you may be in for a big wake-up call

The Lack

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