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Yoshimoto Targeting Road Rage
Greg's got some useful stuff here.

Take note:
Originally posted by Greg

urban commuters know they're in the same boat and mostly work with each other. (Merge and let merge)

As for me, most of my driving time has been country. An except being during the several months driving I did on Oahu 2001/2002, where and when I found most (except maybe a few taxi or tour bus) drivers worked together.
H-1 and H-3 workaday commuters gotta all get along every day.
With community spirit like that, those folks gonna really rock when they can ride the train together.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
This isn't really un-nerving... it's more annoying... but the yield signs on Right hand turns off H-130 can be confusing for the oncoming drivers turning left if they don't realize the car is waiting at a yield sign.

I don't remember many intersections designed with the Right turn getting the yield over the oncoming traffic. Normally you would think oncoming traffic would have to come to a complete stop to take that left turn... but right now if there is no traffic the left turn get's priority over the right turn.

Ainaloa for example.

Did I make sense[B)]

My Blog
I just finished 18 years of Hono Aiport to Haleiwa(55mies RT H1&H2), same as Hilo-Kakahai. Same miserable drive, different scenery, rush hour sucks!
Be interesting to see what they charge for the rail, bus is 2.00$
Gordon J Tilley
Yes, Damon, you made sense. (This time.[Big Grin]) Those right turn yields to left turn intersections are not only counter-intuitive, but the reverse of most standard U.S. traffic regulation practice. Fortunately, they seem to lead to confusion more than rage or accidents, at least from my observation.

You're right damon. They are not consistant either. At the hwy 130 intersection nearest Pahoa High School, there are no yeild signs, which cause confusion.

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