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Marijuana Laws Are Discriminatory
Right on Greg, brother I think you pretty much nailed it!
I will be sure to mention that Myth of the Gateway Drug, the next time I meet with one of the few living school mates that started on dope and ended on Cocaine, and maybe write some letters to the families of dead friends who died from drug OD's, I am sure they will feel much better that it was not the dope that did it.

Timkona, as for your question, If Dope had been legal, yes I would have been a stoner... Would a user stop because of laws, I believe so.

Question, if you all think Dope is OK, why are you letting Hawaii outlaw cigarettes? Do you think that once smoking tobacco is outlawed in your home, they are going to let you smoke dope?

you guys be sure to keep the pressure on me... remember, I think all these drugs should be legal, but keep ignoring your congressmen and senators, you know, the ones that pass the laws.

Can anyone tell me what the Hawaii delegation to the house and senate think about these laws...

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

Everyone please view this Abercrombie Flyer from a while back ago that was published by his office. [Big Grin]

How about a tall glass of refreshing OJ?
sounds like this guy knew how to protest...

any of you guys growing these oranges yet?

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I don't believe the orange story. An internet search just turns up repetitions of the story with no legit source. The references in the story to Fl. law are incorrect. Paraphernalia possession is a misdemeanor. Vehicle seizures are not legal for misdemeanors. Even with a felony the offender must own the vehicle for it to be seized, unless it cn be proven that the owner knew it was being used for that felonious purpose.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

you hang in there. I have remained out of this one for as long as I can stand. Trying to verbalize any sense to a pothead is like teaching mathematics to a yearling, one in many million will get it.


the chronicle of your brother should be screamed from the highest mountain tops in this nation. Every individual with the freedom to choose should become aware of your story. My heart goes out to you and your family and no person should endure what your brother went thru. It’s just reprehensible and dishonorable all the way around, and this behavior should discontinue, but we know that it won’t.

A war will always have it’s casualties, but your brother was a victim from the start. He got sucked into something he knew little about and eventually he paid the ultimate price for it. All children that are experienced enough to start “smoking” should be told of his story. If just a few kids listen and use their freedom to choose and stay away from drugs your brother will not have died in vain.

On the other side, the repugnance of your brothers incarceration is the tool that many law enforcement people will use to threaten a “potential narc” into “co-operating.” These people will use a immature person to their advantage and all kids should be aware of it. The bottom line is, kids don’t even start because it ain’t cool, and you could be the next horror story. But, as long as kids continue reading about the beauty of being jubilant and stoned by the pothead these story’s will continue.

Now LeeE,

who is at fault here? Ounce again my sympathy goes out to you and yours.

The Lack
Yeah the story could be fake. I'm sorry for posting it if it is. Even if it is fake, it could be just a matter of time before it becomes reality.
I wonder if the rabid anti-GMO people would go for a little O.J.?

All the sudden GMO might not sound like such a bad idea.

Pass da O.J. pon da lef hand side.
LOL.. Good catch esnap...

which make me think
why is Hawaii trying to get rid of all the invasive species but not dope?

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

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