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Can Cold Water Clean Dishes?
lmao! i thought this was going to be a serious thread then couldn't stop laughing!

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Lack, wasn't the Wild Goose a converted WW2 mine sweeper? Seems I remember that one of his boats was.


What goes around comes around!

Originally posted by punafish

[quote]Originally posted by JerryCarr

I have a dog that licks plates clean AND kills centipedes. (She does not eat them, however.) Her name is Kuma, and she is available on a limited basis for out calls for a nominal fee.

Kuma, eh? Does it look like a bear? (Kuma is"Bear" in Japanese :-)

We adopted Kuma as an adult, so she came with the name. And yes, we know it means "bear" in Japanese, although she looks more like a wolf. Coincidentally, my partner of 19 years is nicknamed "Bear."

Tom...small world! We were swimming in the bay,from my friend's beach house on Balboa Island, his house was on Lido island and we came up to his dock where he and his boat captian were just putting the Wild Goose into his slip. We were screaming, "Help Help! Something attacked us in the water!" and they pulled us out of the water, and drove us to a pharmacy just off of Lido Island. When I realized who had pulled us out of the water I was so embarassed to have bothered him. I think this was about the time he made True Grit, or I had just seen it anyway and he was one of the true superstars back then. Most of all he was a real hero to me!

Originally posted by Tom Lackey


funny that you mentioned the Duke, I also knew him when I was a young man living on Balboa at Newport Beach Ca. We became friends after meeting off Catalina island fishing. He was on his boat “Wild Goose” fishing for yellowtail without much luck and I was on my boat “The Lack”and the fish box was full. He wanted to know what bait we were using so I pulled along side and gave him a bunch. He started to catch plenty and we met up later where he was anchored and we had a big BBQ aboard his boat and became fishing buddy. He also loved the name of my boat “The Lack” because as he said to me one day everybody refers to me as “The Duke” and almost named his boat “The Duke” but decided on Wildgoose instead.

The Lack

Aloha au i Hawai`i,

Devany Vickery-Davidson
East Bay Potters
Originally posted by JerryCarr

Originally posted by punafish

[quote]Originally posted by JerryCarr

Kuma, eh? Does it look like a bear? (Kuma is"Bear" in Japanese :-)

We adopted Kuma as an adult, so she came with the name. And yes, we know it means "bear" in Japanese, although she looks more like a wolf. Coincidentally, my partner of 19 years is nicknamed "Bear."


we have bears as well: hale bear(ra), booboo bear and paddington. the brothers were yogi and just bear.

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

PW Bear Club?
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.

yes you are right. His boat was a WWII something or another converted to his personal taste. I fished with Duke on many occasions he even came over here to fish with me on the “Janet B” a few years before he passed on, no fish that day but a great boat ride. I let him drive the boat all day and he loved it. Of all the days that I wanted to catch a big fish that was it, but it just didn’t happen. He was quite a man.

The Lack
I've been washing my dishes and cloths in cold water all my life and have no problems. However, I do put extra soap on the dishes I use to feed the dogs because the thought of eating off a dish that has been coated with dog slurp is a bit unsettling.

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