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Cannabis Compassion club/coop for Puna
BTW I'm no "Crackerass" if by that you mean white person. I said I was ashamed of what I did when I was kid and regret it deeply. It's all in the context of how these sorts of names are used. When I called that kid a "F'ing Nigger", it wasn't as harmless as Damon makes it seem.

This same kind of prejudice is the main reason why cannabis (happy Jon?) was made illegal to begin with. The first users were African Americans and Mexicans and the laws were enacted to discrimate against them. That's a fact. Look up John Anslinger.

Okay now I'm shutting up for real.
Oh, it'll be alright if it can find it's way back to the topic.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
People get too worked up over these terms. Its not the term but how its intended, often determined by it's inflection.

I recall around 1965 or 66 when my father was a Southern HS principal he had an incident with his terminology. He was born and raised in N.C. and had a fair bit of N.C. accent to show for it. His respectful term for blacks at that time was Nigra. He intentionally did not use the "N" word. Well, the term he used bothered some in the Black community but he was well known for being universally fair with his only concern being for the students, all of them. You also must remember that integration had just occurred and it was his first year in the brand new integrated school. Well, leaders of the Black community got together and requested a meeting with him. In that meeting they educated the N.C. boy (Cracker) on proper pronunciation. He later related how they slaped their knee to get to accross the knee part of Negro. Being the good hearted and well intentioned guy he was, he learned his lesson and dutifully used the then proper term "Negro" until that term went out of style. Of course it was the term he thought he was using all along.

I have been called "cracker" numerous times. It generally doesn't bother me. When it's accompained by ass and MF the intent is understood. I may then get my feathers ruffled a bit, or not. You must always consider the source too.

MJ, pot, dope, cannabis, who cares!

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
The new administration isn't looking to beat up hippies! So this article says. Interesting.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Pelosi has urged the public to speak out in favor of cannabis law reform. She says Obama will do it, but must have public support.

Time to call and email the White House and our reps to demand progressive change on this issue.

If folks who care about this policy issue speak up, we'll get good results.

The time is now.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
not too change the subject, but I have a question for those that have gotten their medical lisence. So many people are growing without it, I am wondering since you have to register with the state and the police dept. if anyone has had more problems with having the permit from the police or dirty cops telling their buddies where to steal from ect.
and can anyone clarify perferrably from a lawyers standpoint what the new inititive really means, I read that it is not a law and wont save you from being hauled off to jail. Can you still loose your home?

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

My read is that most of the new (state) bills want to move administration of the blue card program from public safety (cops) to health department (doctors).

About a year ago:

The department of safety released all the names of card holders as well as addresses and locations of the plants - to the hilo tribune.

In my opinion, this has precipitated the current legislation rather than a push for a change in drug laws.

The feds however can still arrest whomever they like, blue card holder or not. To get the data under the department of health the feds may need a warrant rather than a newspaper however.
the best reason for drug decriminization-

Other people want to make friends- I just want to make money.
James Cramer
I don't think drugs are the base problem in Mexico... the fact that most people there have no rights, so they wont support the government is a major problem.

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

from bloomberg this morning

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