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Thanks for that info Jerry. Very well spoken. I am a police officer for the harbor patrol on the mainland. When I retire in a couple years (or less) I look forward to joining the HPP neighborhood watch.

Can you tow me around in my patrol boat? Just a thought!

Actually I am looking forward to helping any way I can.

Mac nut
from my experience (i work in the juvenile justice system) what the guy did in the white truck shows some type of behavior that is very questionable. most people wouldnt drive off when approached by the normal looking person. yes maybe in Compton but not HPP.

Due to the excess breakends in HPP people that act like that need to be watched just in case something happens and the truck is seen in the area.

nothing wrong with being careful. kinda like telling your children to beware of talking to strangers!
Originally posted by rusty h

from my experience (i work in the juvenile justice system) what the guy did in the white truck shows some type of behavior that is very questionable. most people wouldnt drive off when approached by the normal looking person. yes maybe in Compton but not HPP.
Since I was not there to see what happened, can you explain to me what that "normal" person did and looked like since you saw what happened?

And Rusty... while you're at it... please explain what a person from Compton looks like? [V]

What's important here...

Is that anyone can look scary and that's not anyone elses determination but ones one self when being approached by a stranger.

I myself don't like to be approached by strangers when I'm pulled over on the side using the phone... No matter who it is or what they look like.

Thank god I don't have a white truck!

Damon Tucker's Weblog
I don't think it's wise(or mandated)for neighborhood watch volunteers to approach a vehicle they percieve as "suspicious". The roll of neighborhood watch is to be extra "eyes and ears" of the police. They should make a presence, document, photograph, and telephone authorities.

Neighborhood watch isn't intended or expected to apprehend or confront. Ask your police liason officer.

Greg is absolutely right. We are told NEVER to confront or even to obstruct suspicious persons or cars. We ARE told how to gather as much useful information as we can as quickly as possible and then call the police. There are details of physical appearance such as scars and tatoos that can be far more useful than the usual height, weight, and hair color that one might first think of noting. A number of observational methods can be easily learned and used without endangering the observer.

Actually, one of the most successful aspects of Neighborhood Watch is to simply make it very apparent that there are people watching and reporting. When that is a well-known fact, criminals tend to go elsewhere. While it is understandable that people would want to jump in and try to disrupt criminal activity, it can lead to very negative consequences.


Originally posted by JerryCarr

Paul, members of NW participate at varying levels. We meet the first Saturday of every month at the HPP Activity Center at 9AM. In March, however, we will meet at 8AM because that is one of three times a year we do litter pickup as a community service. Coffee, donuts, gloves, and trash bags will be provided, and members work in pairs to pick up litter on two or three blocks of one of the main roads. I should be clear that this is not a business meeting for in-depth discussion. It is, however, a good way to meet some of the members.

Hi Jerry,

I see on the HPPOA calendar that it says the meeting is from 9am to 10am on March 7. Can you please clarify if I should go at 8am and not at 9am? I plan on going to the neighborhood watch meetings.
There has been some confusion regarding the HPPOA website calendar. They probably posted the usual first Saturday at 9 and weren't told (or forgot) that March is a road clean-up day with an 8am start time. Not long ago, the website had a completely wrong date. I will verify and post the correct info here.

let me explian a little more, in Compton I had a very bad experience in the mid 80's. got lost and almost lost my life. i didnt really mean to say its a black thing Damon but on that day it happened to be. in some places its a danger when people approach you, is HPP one?
no im not bringing up a race war so please don t take it personal. i just went through something and it so happened to be race effected. there are some good people everywhere, i found some bad. it was a poor choice of words but due to my event i tried to relate it to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. i didnt mean to offend you.
i personally dont see color just peoples actions. again i used a bad example.
i wasnt there Bob,im just going by Beachboys account. it sounds like a person living there approached the driver to ask if he needed help and the guy sped off, the quenstion is why? yea maybe he is a nervious type of person, i dont know i wasnt there. i know here on Oahu ive approached many for directions and all have been helpful. maybe im a normal looking guy.

He was in PUNA - criminals, duggies, low-lifes - the crime ridden ghetto of the island - Maybe that was proof enough for him that your friend was up to no good!

OUCH...I like Puna...wild wild west of my youth is still Puna and I drive a truck (not white) and don't talk to I have to go back to jail?

woof woof woof
lurking in darkness, maggo's stump wags in anticipation

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