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Favorite Movies!
these are some of my all time favorite movies, and they are not in any particular order. I hope you folks can relate to some of my picks, and agree with them!?

1.) "Mondo Kane"

2.) "At Play in the Fields of the Lord". (Tom Berrenger & Tom Waits)

3.) "Damn Yankees"

4.) "The Big Chill"

5.) "Robinson Crusoe"

6.) "Blade Runner"

7.) "The Godfather pts. I & II

8.) "Dr. Strangelove"

9.) "TAxi Driver"

10.) "Lawrence or Arabia"


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I seen a few more than once! Enjoyed everyone's list and here are a few more to consider!

Dead Poets Society
The Scarlet Pimpernel
The Matrix
The Fifth Element
The Game- Michael Douglas (Old but good) Very Good!
Edward Sizzorhands
South Pacific
Wizard of Oz
A Fish Called Wanda
The Piano
Evening (2007)
Last but not least "Ladyhawk"!
The Wire an HBO series of 6 seasons

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
i forgot to mention:

fatal attraction
a few good men
pretty woman


"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

Really interesting to compare lists. Some have specific themes (action, feel-good, scifi, etc), while others are very eclectic. Also interesting is reading the lists of others where a specific list will contain some of my favorite movies but also some I didn’t like at all. As for viewing the same movies again, I see at least three good arguments:
1. If it’s well done, doesn’t a good movie rise to the level of being a work of art? If you like the Mona Lisa, would you only look at once? If you have a favorite song, do you only listen to it once?
2. If you’re in the mood for a movie, sometimes a favorite movie you’ve seen several times is by far the best thing available.
3. A good movie, or even specific parts of a movie, can be almost like an old friend, something familiar that makes you feel good, recall an emotion, relax you, etc.

As for some specific movie suggestions of my own, here’s a few I didn’t see, or missed, on others’ lists:

Red Violin – Maybe Samuel Jackson’s best performance, especially some scenes where he says little if anything, but conveys everything.

First Star Wars that came out (episode 4 in the later chronology?) – campy, fun, but with some serious undertones. Other episodes don’t make my list.

Inside Man – Really like Clive Owen, but he doesn’t do many movies that really exploit his talents.

Gotta have a western or two, so how about among Tombstone, The Unforgiven, High Noon, Shane.

Zulu – lots of fighting, but typically good English group performances by good actors, good music, heroic without being jingoistic or exaggerated – based evidently pretty accurately on real events.

The Last Mimzy – terminally cute kids, little heavy on the message, up positive in the end.

Army of Darkness – Absolute guilty pleasure.

Contact – Thoughtful and one of few movies to have scenes showing why scientists can get enthralled with their work.

Surprise endings: Sixth Sense and The Usual Suspects.

Jumanji – When I saw it, I and the rest of the audience were belly-laughing frequently.

As Good As It Gets – great cast and movie, inspite that I didn’t buy that Helen Hunt couldn’t get a “real” boyfriend.

And how about movies that were good, but maybe weren’t on any all-time list, and had some great individual scenes such as: Marisa Tomei’s scene at the end of My Cousin Vinnie where she’s telling him off for not wanting people to help him; the onboard officiers meal scene in Master and Commander where the captain tells a joke that works both in the movie and with the audience – something hard to pull off.
I'd like to give a shout out to those listing some of my faves:

JerryCarr - Sordid Lives
Loretta - Legally Blonde
Kani-Lehua - On Golden Pond, First Wives Club
Aki - Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Mella - Edward Scissorhands

And I would like to add:

Lost Boys
Beautiful Thing
House Bunny
Princess Diaries
Pieces of April
Badder Santa
Halloween 1, 2 and H20


Many of my favorites are already on the lists,
some others I enjoy!

Gods Must Be Crazy
Some Like It Hot
Ruthless People
Money pit (reminds me of the house we are in)[Sad]
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
Odd Couple
Saving Grace
Full Monty
Home Alone

Chariots of Fire
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Die Hard
Beverly Hills Cop
Thirty Nine Steps
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Once Upon a Time in the West
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Ah some good one Hikatz... Die Hard is my fave Christmas move :-)

The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) - Errol Flynn
True Grit
Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
The Alamo
Sons of Katie Elder
The Quiet Man
Water World
The Postman

How about a list of your favorite books....
The Stainless Steel Rat
Space Viking
Planet for Texans
Ender's Game
Battlefield Earth
A Princess of Mars
Outlaw of Torn

I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii
I never get tired of watching these:

The Notebook
Memoirs of a Geisha
Vegas Vacation
50 First Dates
Honeymoon in Vegas
Song of Bernadette
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Seven Years in Tibet
Catch me if You Can
Sound of Music
Meet the Parents
Shaun of the Dead
Napoleon Dynamite
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Legally Blonde
I generally don't like watching a movie more than once, but these are some of my exceptions:
Casablanca - I can only take the wrenching once or twice a decade
Wizard of Oz - so delightful, esp the songs
What's Eating Gilbert Grape - Depp & DiCaprio at their best, plus the mother's role is unique
Soylent Green - the futuristic projection is stunning, less glitzy than BladeRunner and a great surprise ending
Sixth Sense - love playing it a second time with the added knowledge from the surprise ending
African Queen - Bogey & Hepburn, & if that's not enough, love,adventure & suspense while floating down the river in Africa
A&E's Pride & Prejudice - so true to the book & such great acting
Notorious - Cary Grant & Ingrid Bergman - my favorite Hitchcock.
Great scenes: (1)Vanessa Redgrave's cameo in "Julia" (2)Bette Midler talking to her parents on the phone while on heroin in "The Rose"

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