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Home defense
I think one of the major crimes here is that the law is so ambiguous as it can be interpreted far too broadly. That's unfair, and needs to change.
Sorry, I just don't see ambiguity in the law. If your life is threatened, you're a fool not to use ANY force neccessary; lethal or whatever.

If your stuff is threatened, lethal force is not warranted or neccessary. Some people are going to shoot anyway, claiming second amendment justification. They should be prepared to do time.

Whatever the case; I hate to see a proliferation of deadly weapons in the hand of angry, desperate, untrained individuals. They make kind of a collective IED.

What if you rely upon your "Stuff" such as medicine to keep you alive or pain free.

Is someone taking your medication equivalent to someone threatening your life? Should you be able to inflict cancer upon the intruder?[Wink]

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
A friend in HOVE sent me this email the day after the shooting:

"We've had many burglaries here in the past 90 days but last night may have put a damper on it. One block up from me, a thief was murdered with a 12 guage shotgun. I heard the shot at 10:30 last night. The intruder was trying to get into the green house where my neighbor was growing Marijuana. His house was hit just a few weeks ago in broad daylight while he was shopping in the town center."

"...If someone comes on my property at 10:30PM, he's going to be one hurtin dude!!!... I hate to say it but the way the economy is going, there's apt to more of this going on."

The burglaries he mentioned were things like solar panels and anything removable from an empty house, not just drugs. Seems like there are some hard core thieves in that area. Police have not been very effective in helping to catch the perpetrators. The residents there are feeling they need to protect themselves.

Just out of curiosity, how is it that one determines intent--in the dark of night whether the person who broke a window and climbed in--now sneaking around in the house. . .um, do they wear glow in the dark t-shirts that say "I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm just here to steal stuff, DON'T SHOOT!" or some such?
Two points that I mentioned previously seem to have slipped through the cracks:

1. WHERE does it say the criminal was shot in the back???

2. If weed was legal, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED.
The original report is here:

The shot in the back part is in the last paragraph.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by centipede

2. If weed was legal, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED.

I think this has to be one of the truest statements said on this entire thread.

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Rob, I stand corrected. It's the same link that Samdooby posted, and it says the same thing. Perhaps my confusion had something to do with the hard copy deleting this critical issue, or because of an earlier posting which someone said the guy was shot twice in the back and I had replied that there was no mention of two shots to the back. Regardless, I'd sure like to know why the on-line (original) posting mentioned the back and the hard copy didn't.

If true, the reasons for a shot to the back could be anything from darkness to homicidal rage, but for what it's worth at this point in the investigation, I must remain on the shooter's side for no reason other than circumstantial evidence in which the dead guy had a nasty criminal record and there's an excellent possibility that he was out there to commit another criminal act.

It's all too bad. Two lives and families trashed.

One thing that I was impressed with a few years back was meeting a local man who told me his story. He had been a serious drug abuser and thief and got busted. The judge gave him a shot at rehab and he took it. He turned his life around and now owns a productive business in Pahoa and has a nice home and future. I really respect him. It's not easy coming up from nowhere.

Some people learn and some people don't.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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