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Excuse me, but isn't "rooster fighting" illegal? Doesn't it have something to do with cruelty to "animals". And gambling laws?

Please, someone, let me know before I go off on another tangent.

Centipede, yes chicken "tunda" is illegal...
Unfortunately it is somewhat apart of the Hawaiian culture and some police tend to look the other way when they know whats really going on...

But as far as getting rid of the problem w/ noisy roosters, Id tread lightly on that issue. People take their roosters serious and if you decide to mess w/ your neighbors roosters, expect some retaliation...

My wife isnt a fan of the "cock-a-doodling" so she sleeps w/ ear plugs. I dont mind so I sleep like a baby...

Good luck though on your situation...
and then there's the peacock situation in makaha. ever hear them buggers caw/crow whatever the heck it's called. a woman just recently whacked the daylights out of one of them and killed him. she now faces animal cruelty charges. apparently, her defense will be that she has been sleep deprived. she's only lived in the area for several years; the peacock flock (is that what they're called?) have been in the valley for approximately 25 years.

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

They are beautiful... but noisy and messy too. We have friends with them on their property in CA. But as with masses of anything they can become a pest. We had Canadian Geese on our lake in IL and they drove me nuts two months a year. And they are not even half as beautiful as the cocks and hens.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
The Following IS LEGAL:

1. Possession of Birds for Fighting

2. Spectator at a Cockfight

3. Possession of Implements

Cockfighting is Only a Misdemeanor:

Max 1 year
Max $2,000

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
Damon if youre talking semantics, this is what the top of your article states:

Cockfighting is illegal in every state and the District of Columbia, but the penalties for the crime vary by state...blah blah blah...[Wink]

Have to stand up for all my cockfighting relatives!

It's a sick "sport" in my mind ... but who are we as a society to judge what is right and wrong due to our own beliefs?

Damon Tucker's Blog
FBI Blogs
OK, so we know a person owning 80 roosters isn't doing so for their eggs, and to the best of my understanding, there isn't an active market for rooster meat. This narrows the speculation down to having them for something illegal and cruel. Yes, there is a "culture" in which a certain percentage of the population considers it fun to make bets, and watch and cheer as a couple of roosters rip each other to ribbons and yes, cops are part of this culture, but can this "looking the other way" have anything to do with their taking bribes?

I like roosters. They're beautiful, strutting creatures who make traditional Mormons jealous, and the bonus is that the chickens don't seem to mind as long they get their share. And I did see a rooster stomp the living crap out of a young stud who was after his flock and I enjoyed the spectacle only because it was part of nature, and not out of sadistic delight.

That said, my snickering side is taking over at this wee hour, and I was wondering what it would be like to organize a massive rooster fight. Take those 80 birds, put them in an arena, toss in a single chicken, and have a "last man standing" event with the winner being whichever one nails the chicken. But if you do so, you may want to have cops in attendence because there could be a riot, and you'd need them to maintain the fundamental concept of "law and order".
"but who are we as a society to judge what is right and wrong due to our own beliefs"

I don't think it's a question of "beliefs" to think that having birds rip each other apart for our entertainment is questionable. Sure, other cultures think animal cruelty is fun too but as the centuries pass more and more of them are choosing other ways to spend their time.
Yes, PaulW. It's called "evolution".

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