07-28-2009, 02:05 PM
Cool, selling cd's not audible to humans! LOL
Barking dog
07-28-2009, 02:20 PM
Are you close enough that you can set up a major watt spot light on an extention cord, ready & waiting? Direct it in the direction of the barking critters and the owner's home. BLAST it on, no matter what hour of the night. Maybe it will shine into the owner's bedroom. If confronted...be civil and explain that you have to assume there must be an intruder with all that barking. Shouldn't take too many times.
07-28-2009, 07:36 PM
After three years on the Big Island you must have learned by now that the police here are not actually here to do anything. YOU LITERALLY CANT NOT DEPEND ON THEM FOR ANYTHING! If they wont show up for a serious domestic violence call they are not coming for a barking dog.
Went through this for almost a year nearly drove me insane. Only choices Get used to it : ( Remove animal Get air cleaner or fan to run at night so you can sleep. DO NOT SPEAK TO YOUR NEIGHBOR If anything ever happens to the dog or if someone else calls the police you will be blamed and in most cases the neighbor will get even. Do not get even by playing loud music. Get used to it Remove animal Buy some white noise.
07-29-2009, 12:37 AM
While it's a little more expensive than the cd,I am going to try this device.
http://www.ultimatebarkcontrol.com/ My neighbor from hell has about 8 little yappy dogs that run loose and bark at any sound or movement.When they are in their own yard they are not too bad but they usually stand out on the street corner and bark for hours on end.At least a dozen of us have called the police multiple times and it still goes on. This all started about 5 years after I bought my home ,so I am not a newbie who just moved here.When I bought about 10 years ago the neighbor had an old Chow Chow that never barked. On top of that there is a boarded up ohana on the same property and I think the neighbor has a puppy mill inside.4 or 5 times a day you can hear about 2 dozen dogs barking inside.The police have investigated and they say they can do nothing without proof of illegal activity and would need a search warrant.The humane society says that there is no law in Hawaii that limits the number of dogs a person can own.They also say that since they cannot see in the building they cannot determine if the animals are mistreated. I would think that keeping 2 dozen dogs locked up in a windowless building would be mistreatment enough. Michael Vick should have lived here, he probably never would have gone to prison. For now my ear plugs have been the best solution.Some paradise !!
07-29-2009, 01:41 AM
Wow, what a product and reasonably priced. Now that's worth looking into! Thanks for the info []
07-29-2009, 04:45 AM
It won't work, as some are gently trying to suggest. Even if it did, and one had speakers and wattage capable of producing ultrasound at significant Db, it would be irresponsible in the extreme to use it, as it will not only hammer dogs, but birds, insects, and every other organism in the area, but likely semi-carbonate your own brain stem as well.
Snake oil. Straight up.
07-29-2009, 12:30 PM
I am still going to buy one and try it.
I will let you know how it works.Unfortunately I am spending the summer in Ohio on a lake where all of my neighbors are considerate of others and their dogs do not bark all the time.There is no way to test it here!! A well trained dog does not bark constantly,especially a guard dog. Of course in most of the country dogs are faithful companions and not back yard alarm devices. Get a sensor light !!! A constantly barking dog is like a car alarm that is always going off.Everybody ignores it.
07-29-2009, 01:29 PM
Hmm, idea. . .
Maybe a set of noise activated 1000000 candlepower automatic spotlights trained at the offending place would be interesting. It's all about being a passive aggressive a-hole here, or so it seems. Whoops? I'm sorry? Where my noise activated lights going on all night? I slept through it. You sure it wasn't the tweakers up the street prowling around? Actually, and fortunately, as a word of hope, a couple of years ago when I got here dogs were an unbelievable problem. I couldn't leave my doors open as semi-feral packs of dogs would run into my house at times. Out of control. After 6 or so months of clever passive aggressive and flat out aggressive aggressive dealing with the issue we've got it all under control. Thank god! A lot of people here in Puna are too baked most of the time to even know their dog is barking. That's part of it. |
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