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more helicopters
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

I believe the locals passed an ordinance trying to limit this, activity.... Which the dea circumvented by bringing outside forces not specifically excluded.
It applies only to the Hawaii County Police Department and Hawaii County Prosecutor NOT to the DEA or any State action.

It also only directs them to make PERSONAL USE (as defined by the initative) a low priority.

It also directs the Hawaii County Police and Prosecutor to divert resources from TARGETED personal use to CRIMINAL COMMERCIAL activities.

It does not stop marijuana enforcement but makes going after personal use a low priority and going after all others a higher priority.

READ THE INITATIVE, it's all spelled out as to what is and isn't the objective of the law. The initative wants commerical criminal enforcement to be stepped up.
"The Peaceful Sky Alliance contacted Dominic Yagong, chair of the Hawaii County Finance Committee and verified that the approved use of old funds for the recent missions had apparently come from the Mayor’s office. Peaceful Sky Alliance have filed a complaint with the Hawaii County Council."

This being the smoking gun

I did read the initiative... the question is - did Billy
"They will ramp up now... dea doesn't fly" Why not?
" "They will ramp up now... dea doesn't fly" Why not?"

outside crops - plant in april - mature in october one crop per year .... out side weed is generally inferior, containing debris, stick, seeds. Read acres, orchidland etc annual outdoor grows, grown by the end user in most of my experience

inside crops... grown in a chemical media, high pressure sodium lights males are removed ... top producing females cloned. 4 cycles per year of genetically controlled top grade seedless (read commercially acceptable) product. Producers can generate 100 grams(about $1500) per square yard per MONTH Its not the kids down the street doing this ... its the folks in the better zip codes.

Surveillance by the way can be done very quietly in a piper cub at 25 miles per hour... plenty of slow enough to see in back yards. There is all ready a nationwide program in place with the CAP to keep an eye on the back yards - you don't hear those

The helicopter is a psychological warfare asset.

OK now i really have to get back out to the yard... were burning daylight Aloha

My Neighborhood Association seriously discussed the use of "seige" balloons a couple of years ago. It never came to happen, but we learned that tethered weather balloons above a certain height required a notification to the FAA and lights if left up at night.

Originally posted by PaulW

"FAA registered planes, registered to US political and governmental elites, full of cocaine and heroin get busted by Latin American authorities regularly and no mention in the US news"

Is it mentioned in non-US news? Links please.

Hey Paul,

Thanks for asking for links. Here's a treasure trove of info from a wide variety of news sources, ect. If you follow the "earlier story" link and scroll to the middle of the page, you will see an interesting fellow!

Saw him getting a standing ovation from Congress on TV not long ago.

Please paste this into your browser and the page will come up.

Sorry, don't know how to post an active link on this site. When I copy the url from the browser window and paste it into a post here, then click on it, I get an error message.


Michael C. Ruppert and Katherine Austin Fitts talk about this stuff as well.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
It's been quite a while since this became a low-priority issue, and in the middle of a financial crisis, the cops have the nerve to say this is still "old money". Let's see them prove it. Let's see them provide paperwork that shows how much "old money" there was and how much is left. This is utter, contemptable nonsense.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

This being the smoking gun

I did read the initiative... the question is - did Billy

Let’s look at the initative:

(1) Direct the county to make law enforcement related to Cannabis (marijuana) offenses, when the Cannabis is only intended for adult personal use, their lowest law enforcement priority;
This means making it a low priority not prohibiting enforcement of marijuana laws. Low does not mean NO.

(2) Define "adult personal use" to include the use of Cannabis on private property only by persons twenty one years of age or older;
Adult personal use does not mean ALL use, it means exactly what the ordinance says (specifically sets age, use and amount) adult personal use. Everything else is fair game!

(3) Prevent county law enforcement officials from accepting deputization or commissions from a federal law enforcement agency for purposes of investigating, citing, or arresting citizens or searching or seizing their property if doing so is inconsistent with the lowest law enforcement priority of Cannabis ordinance;
Hawaii County didn’t accept any deputization from federal law enforcement. Hawaii County deputized other county law enforcement to work with them. That is not prohibited by the ordinance.

(4) Prohibit the Hawaii County Council from authorizing the acceptance of or issuing funding to be used to investigate, cite, arrest, prosecute, search or seize property from adults when doing so would be inconsistent with the lowest law enforcement priority for Cannabis policy;
This means they can not authorized funds to go after adult personal use. But if they authorized funding for commercial criminal activities or those in excess of what is defined as adult personal use, that is not a violation of the ordinance.

(5) And direct the County Council not to support the acceptance of any funds for the marijuana eradication program
Not to SUPPORT, but it does not say they can’t accept. So long as the County is not actively seeking the funds, they can accept all they want.


Because of the poor writing of this initative, it basically is only an expression of people's desire. Since the States top legal and law enfocement head has issued an opinion that the law did not prohibit law enfocement form engaging in these activities and that its more the people asking the county to not do something IF THEY CAN, there is no provision (except accepting federal deputization) that can be violated. Next step, it will end up in court for a judge to decide if the ordinace will be what was written and voted on, or should it be what the people thought it was even though that's not what they voted for..
The law is clear, Braun said, noting section 9 of the ordinance that reads:

”the citizens …. request that Cannabis policies here within the County of Hawaii be dealt with by our local law enforcement only.”

Do you have title 9 that Braun quotes here as reported on the big island chronicle site? ... Im in for lunch, be happy to dig into it in the morning

This question is tangential to the topic of eradicating marijuana for "commercial" gain, but just so I can be clear on what I read here (, do I understand correctly that on the Big Island an individual can legally have 24 or fewer plants growing at any one time on private property for "personal use?" Is that really the law? Or have I and/or the reporter misstated the ordinance? Thanks.


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