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Writing to say Hello
There is one poster whose husband made the teaching transition 3 years ago, & has some semi-current experiences to share...

I am a sub. teacher that has had been able to sub at a level of 1-3 days a week (many thanks to the above teacher for that!) even in this economy... but it does take more 'selling' of your services than at some schools.

A word of advice, the public schools are a state district, and assignments can be for any school in the state system with one caveat: Charter schools, although public, have more intern hiring ability than most other schools, so you may want to introduce yourself to the charter schools in the area you are interested. There are also a few private schools that are very worth looking into. link for the charter schools:
Dear PaulW, Csgray, HiloHaole, John S Rabi, Chuysmom, StillHope, Blakeyboy1, Carey:

I am overwhelmed with your openness, friendly Sprit and most of all, your Aloha!

I am happy to know you all. My wife Josie is the teacher and she is terrible busy right now, but if anyone would like her email address it is josie32 (at)

The Arizona Budget is in the tank and teachers around the state are being told that there will most certainly be a rif next spring. It is tough times being in education right now.

I can tell you from past experience that this group at punaweb is terrific! To everyone here with a dream....dream on.... My favorite quote is....

"To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Aloha Bob and Josie, We made our move nearly 2 years ago, after I retired from teaching in CA. I was able to find a position with Kamehameha Schools in one of their outreach programs. Positions are posted from time to time so have your wife watch the employment section at I also work a very part time position in an SES after-school tutoring program. The positions are mostly filled by referral, but if interested, let me know when you are here. I was trying to decide what I am enjoying the most about living here. One highlight is the wonderful, available, and inexpensive produce! I don't miss my snowblower at all. You have lots to look forward to finding here.
Welcome Bob & Josie!
Sounds like you'll make a great addition to our Punaweb ohana :-)

aloha, Liz

"The best things in life aren't things."
Originally posted by BobH
...Josie's family is in Asia and so Hawaii is a natural for us...
You will be right home with an Asian wife here. (I know, mine is from Taiwan!)[Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

I just sent this forum link over to Josie so she can read all the great posts here. Her only day away from teaching is really on Saturdays. So, at 5:30 am our time today, she says to me, "these people are really nice, thanks for getting us into the forum, so what do you think about big island, Hawaii this morning?!"

My reply went like this, "I'm scared about all the uncertainty and we need to take it slow and easy to make sure we are doing the right thing”.

I am a lot older than Josie and retired on a meager retirement. Josie has almost 22 more years to retire. Knowing about the school system in Hawaii scares me. Knowing that people like the ones we have found here this week gives me hope.

Arizona is bankrupt and we know that Josie will be laid off, at least are pretty certain. We also know about how bad things are for teachers in Hawaii too. We live in teacher supplied housing on the Navajo Indian Reservation (very remote). We will be homeless in late May when she gets laid off.

Our first plan was to come to BI Hawaii and hunker down thinking that Josie could at least sub to help get us through. That is probably not going to happen.

I will stop whining to you all ASAP, maybe even today. But thanks for listening and I feel like we are all friends already. I can tell you that Josie is really glad we found you guys!

Bob, if you will be homeless in AZ than you shouldn't consider moving here because you will be homeless here too. Nobody should move to Hawaii, or any other place I assume, without having at least a six months financial safety net. Hawaii is a great place but it's not worth it to come here to struggle.
In addition, you have to have an open mind. There are other positions besides being a teacher and I'm sure Josie would qualify for other jobs too.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


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