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Helicopter Flights Over Hawaii Petition
MY problem is this green harvest crap. Those guys are way too low and just sit there, for like what seems forever. When you are weeding in your yard and you can feel the dang breeze from the propellers, that's way too close, and it makes it impossible to have any type of conversation with a person standing right next to you, never-mind the phone. And please don't knee-jerk response and blame people that grow pakalolo. Every time I put an extension on the green house, or tarp an area where plants are getting too wet, there they are, hovering. I will say I did get really freaked out the first time I saw a guy repelling from one. I thought omg must be some murderous guy they are after. Nope, they were after some big bad plants lol. Wish they would repel into my yard and take my bad Himalayan raspberries!!! Now THAT would make the noise worth it.[Big Grin]
Drug prohibition (that "green harvest crap") is a vitally necessary part of the local economy, without which we aren't going to recoup our hard-earned tax dollars from the Feds.

Same goes for the tourist helicopters.

By the time gas will become too expensive for either of these activities, they will have been upgraded to solar-powered drones, so enjoy the (big, obvious) helicopters while you can; with ubiquitous surveillance, they'll finally be able to make criminals of us all.
yesterday marked the fourth week in a row that the DEA has come to HPP in search of cannabis. THis is the the year 2013, you'd think they'd have something better to chase after than a plant that God created?


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Originally posted by SBH

Two helicopters flew low over our house this morning at 7 am, wtf! One dark red, one dark green.

I heard them too, did not see them though, still catching zzzz's.
Were they tour or other? They usually get me up at 8 am.
I agree, WTF!
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

FWIW, for all the Punafolks complaining about helicopters, I moved to Pearl City on Oahu two months ago and the helicopter noise is VASTLY worse here than it ever was when I lived in Hawaiian Acres. Combine military flights between Schofield/Wheeler and Kaneohe (which use much larger and louder helis than tour operators) with utility flights due to a number of power lines crossing the Koolaus in the vicinity, and it's often hard to talk on the phone or listen to music. If they're flying above 1000 ft, it's just barely.

That's funny, I moved from Aiea (right next to PC), to Puna and the Helicopter noise is INSANE out HERE LOL! I used to live right next to the stadium, the H1 viaduct and the H1 just up the road. Blackhawks flying to Tripler, police, fire, news and yes, even tour.

The ambient noise made heli's a non-issue. Out here, it's a different story. Move out to the boonies for some peace and quiet.....yeah, right!

It just goes to show you how different people's realities are. It might be quiet where you live, but a few miles up or down and it's helicopter hell. A neighbor who lives about a mile and half mauka said "no big deal, just one an hour and it only lasts for a minute or so". Try 25-45 flights daily. Different realities. What pissed me off is his assumption that his reality should be the same as everyone else, and if it isn't, you're wrong in his eyes. Only children think like this.

Today, I've counted the 38th flight either directly over or within a 1,000 feet of my home. Whatever arguments, be it safety, revenue, jobs etc... flying that many flights, going to and returning from, in any narrow path is simply inconsiderate of residents under the "highway". Here comes #39 - 3:46 pm.
The FAA has proved they can smile, nod, and say yes, big problem local man; we're here for you. But they don't actually do anything to improve the situation; law changes to the air tour regs arrive from 3000' above the FAA's heads.

What about the Dept of Health?
Isn't HPP zoned Ag? And isn't Ag noise ordinance max set at 77db? I can tell you they go over this, every day.

Could we file a complaint? (Hey people do it for dust... fer chri$$akes....)

If so, would we want to do that collectively (my vote), or individually (individuals have gained little momentum to date, against the helis)?

What about it?
Possible? With documentation (easy to measure, easy to film the measurement and the flight, easy to record audio, plus dates, times, heli's alt...)?

Any feedback on that idea?

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
This is going to sound "negative" because it mostly is -- the existing Federal regulations might as well be printed on toilet paper, and the rest of it goes something like this:

1. Exceeding 70db for ag zoning: County will just roll over citing "pre-emption by Federal regulations".

2. Excessive dust under DoH: State will just roll over citing "pre-emption by Federal regulations".

3. Documentation: only "the authorities" can create documentation which is sufficiently "authenticated", anything you create is "inaccurate" (due to "calibration" or other issues).

Originally posted by 4dognight
I heard them too, did not see them though, still catching zzzz's.
Were they tour or other? They usually get me up at 8 am.
I agree, WTF!

I later heard there was a body found off of Kalapana so those were Fire Dept Helicopters flying out to recover asap. I'll give them a pass on this one! Sorry for the woman that died.
Originally posted by kalakoa

This is going to sound "negative" because it mostly is -- the existing Federal regulations might as well be printed on toilet paper, and the rest of it goes something like this:

1. Exceeding 70db for ag zoning: County will just roll over citing "pre-emption by Federal regulations".

2. Excessive dust under DoH: State will just roll over citing "pre-emption by Federal regulations".

3. Documentation: only "the authorities" can create documentation which is sufficiently "authenticated", anything you create is "inaccurate" (due to "calibration" or other issues).

Think squeeky wheel, kalakoa. The documentation I refer to is legitimate enough to piss them off as we continue to shovel it over. The documentation you refer to is what they'd do after we made enough noise.

Since you are the only response, and obviously feel outmanned by the Co and the State... then I guess there is no interest in pursuing this.

Therefore we are simply... rolling over.

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Originally posted by kalakoa

Drug prohibition (that "green harvest crap") is a vitally necessary part of the local economy, without which we aren't going to recoup our hard-earned tax dollars from the Feds.

Please explain further? How do WE see any of that money? If it goes to the state, we don't see a dime of it, Oahu is a pig.
Either way, they do NOT need to hover that low over my house. I have seen the specials on both CNN and Discovery channel, er, maybe it was the history channel? They have these nifty little viewers you can look through that make the pakalolo light up like a damn glowstick on a moonless night. It seems to me they are trying to harass and intimidate EVERYONE. And while I am constantly hearing about people getting their pakalolo taken, I haven't heard of any recent meth labs getting busted. Would that not also recoup dollars? Not to mention, save people from getting blown up, starting properties on fire, and the amount of crazies walking around that get picked up and put in mental facilities that I have to foot the bill for as well!

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