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Covid count
Kander, I have ALREADY posted a refute of your ummm.... "expert", Dr. Malone, that shows that either he is "misquoted" or he has stated incorrect information that HE has agreed, is false... after his role & false claims were highlighted in a fact-checking site...

This is an "expert" who has built his WHOLE CAREER & COMPANY on mRNA therapeutics, but now has he doubts... perfectly fine stance if you do not pad your CV (curriculum vitae) with false claims of your role in this technology... that creates doubt... something he is doing with abundance at this point....
I have no idea why he would throw the reputation of his career & company away by actually getting caught mis-speaking things, including his own role in the mRNA technologies... but he has...
(07-30-2021, 03:41 PM)randomq Wrote:
(07-30-2021, 01:18 AM)AaronM Wrote: You are correct Bird, about 1% of vaccinated people are dying from covid.  About the same percentage of people who die in car accidents annually.  Will you please come to your senses and stop driving your car?

Wrong on the percentage and the scope. It's only 0.004% *of people who report severe Covid* are vaccinated. So 99.996% of severe cases are among the unvaccinated now. Your odds of being vaccinated and then getting severe Covid are less than those of being struck by lightning.

I do agree with your post about border security. We should require everyone entering the US to be vaccinated at this point.

So if vaccinated people are more likely to be struck by lightning than to have a severe case of Covid, then why the great bemoaning of who should or shouldn't be vaccinated? 

In other words if your vaccine is so effective, why do you care if other people don't get one?
if your vaccine is so effective, why do you care if other people don't get one?

Because the unvaccinated-by-choice can infect others who are unvaccinated-because-medical-reason (under 12 and/or immunocompromised).
Because the unvaccinated are incubating new variants: even the vaccinated can be carriers for Delta.
Because the "emergency rules" are based on the lowest common denominator, so I suffer restrictions because other people won't get vaccinated.

Thanks to those who refuse vaccination, we stand to lose the battle against COVID.

I'm wondering how many unnecessary deaths we will have before people take this seriously.
(07-30-2021, 08:31 PM)AaronM Wrote: In other words if your vaccine is so effective, why do you care if other people don't get one?

I love obfuscations. The little buggahs are just so cute. And if you get a par, a breeding par.. OMG! They are the best.
how many unnecessary deaths

Your unhatched conspiracy theory for the day:

If scientists really concocted the virus in a lab and released it into the general population, don't you think they could have made a more effective version? One that killed 100% of those who don't believe in medical science and won't take the vaccine? The virus would then come and go quickly in a matter of weeks or months with less of an adverse affect on the survivors.  People who believe in - - science and scientists.  Coincidence?  I think not.

Would there be too any unnecessary deaths?  History is subjective, written by the survivors.
Lots to unpack there Kalakoa.

First, children under 12 are not at significant risk for Covid. Infections are rare and deaths are exceedingly rare.

Second, immunocompromised people already self quarantine in order to avoid infectious illnesses like the flu for example.

Third, if the vaccinated can be carriers of Delta, what about Lambda which will be introduced to the United States even if every single citizen is vaccinated?

Lastly, as far as whatever restrictions you are suffering under, blame our overreaching and heavy handed government.
blame our overreaching and heavy handed government.

Because we can see how well, how accurately individuals have assessed their own personal risk, and their risk to others with their behavior.  Why would the government think it was necessary for them to step in and manage the situation?  Offering such heavy handed meddling in our personal affairs as COVID testing, or ambulances that rush people who can’t breathe to the hospital emergency room?
(07-30-2021, 08:30 PM)Carey Wrote: Kander, I have ALREADY posted a refute of your ummm.... "expert", Dr. Malone, that shows that either he is "misquoted" or he has stated incorrect information that HE has agreed, is false... after his role & false claims were highlighted in a fact-checking site...

This is an "expert" who has built his WHOLE CAREER & COMPANY on mRNA therapeutics, but now has he doubts... perfectly fine stance if you do not pad your CV (curriculum vitae) with false claims of your role in this technology... that creates doubt... something he is doing with abundance at this point....
I have no idea why he would throw the reputation of his career & company away by actually getting caught mis-speaking things, including his own role in the mRNA technologies... but he has...
 Well there is a lot of mis-speaking going on for sure. PCR tests worthless (why do you think Hawaii is off the charts? tourists bringing it).. 3 weeks to bend the curve, just wait till we have the vax.. You wont need to wear a mask... nah vaxed folk need to wear masks still. Vaxed still carry viral loads.  100% save, well, 'slight' risk of heart issues. Just the inconsistency of throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks and scares the public is maddening.

Eventually truth becomes self evident. So far the vax doesn't provide protection, it was never going to be 3 weeks, And if you think this sucks as the new normal, you aint seen nothing yet.

Super spreaders should stay home.
under 12 are not at significant risk ... immunocompromised people already self quarantine

As I thought: no real reason to have restrictions.

our overreaching and heavy handed government

Specifically, Ige, and his pandering to Oahu, which is apparently populated by nervous nellies with Stockholm syndrome who don't mind the pandemic theatre offered by Safe Travels.
PCR tests worthless 

Worthless? Or less than 100% accurate?

You wont need to wear a mask... nah vaxed folk need to wear masks still. 

The unexpectedly high number of unvaccinated.

Eventually truth becomes self evident.

Really? I think 2016-Jan 2021 has made it abundantly clear that’s not the case.

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